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DJ Doena

It's still funny to think that Seth is going to end up with Gossip Girl's Blair Waldorf IRL (they're happily married and he had a recent cameo at her current show Single Parents).

Alexis Cardarella

I understand what you mean about the awkwardness between Marissa and Ryan. Unintentional or not, it comes off as real to me. Seth is awkward too, but I think the difference is is that he is charming awkward, and Ryan is stoic awkward. And Marissa and Summer are very much opposites. So both "couples" have way different dynamics. God, I'm really analyzing their relationship of OC characters in a patreon comment. On an two month old post. The nerdyness is painfully real sometimes.

Alexis Cardarella

I agree with you on the 7 instead of 8- the pain plot was kind of ..idk, it was a bit cheesy, considering the seriousness of the issue. Julie was more over the top than usual as a character, IMO, It can see it being written much better. Really love the Seth moments in this. And that adorable father and son moment between Seth and Sandy.

Kristal Whalen

Yeah that's true, but Seth started dating summer in real life sometime in season one. I don't know if they were dating by this episode though and they broke up some time before season four started. I just love it because it shows their chemistry was really there.