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I can’t disagree with a 7 as a whole. On the other hand, the Teddy parts are so memorable that I bust out laughing a couple times a year whenever I remember that happened. So Teddy gets a 10 from me.

Scarlett Monrow

Fun fact: guy who plays Teddy bear, also played a teacher with glasses in Bloody Mary, season 1. 28:01 - this reminds me of ASR reaction to this scene! "Teddy, NOOOOO".


I agree, there is an a lot of substance. However, I love this episode so much. The teddy bear stuff is so funny. I agree the love-me-more-than-anything wish was kinda’ rapey but I still think that part was done well and I enjoyed seeing Ted Raimi (I was at his panel at our local con and he was so funny).

Amy Rustand

My comment is about the 'Eye Of the Tiger' bonus scene last episode. I researched - apparently Jared purposefully didn't hit his cue (in real scene Sam approached the car and banged on it to get Dean's attention). You can see Jensen's air-drumming stop for a moment when he realizes Jared didn't do his expected part of the scene. Jared just wanted to see what Jensen would do - keep on air-drumming? But we got this fun bit of gloriousness, even better! You can hear the crew laughing in the background throughout as they enjoy this surprise as much as we do.


I always loved this episode. The teddy bear stuff, the invisible kid getting hit by the car and the kneel before Tod stuff is hilarious. Sometimes people aren't as crazy about "filler" episodes but for me they are some of my favorites. When I watched the show through the first time yeah I love the main arc ones and am interested to see what happens and I get a kick out of the fillers but definitely on rewatches what keeps me coming back and watching the show over and over is the filler episodes that are funny or quirky and have some twist or meta thing to the story. Now I still like all the main ones and I usually always watch everything on rewatches but if someone were to ask me my favs or which ones i would just pop on to watch randomly or something most would be the "filler" episodes like the monster movie one, or yellow fever or this one or ones that sometimes seem like filler but also have some connection to the main story like In the beginning.

Nyssa Rawther 🍉

I will never forget the Depressed Talking Teddy Bear. I actually totally get him. And I can't believe I'm saying that. Only SPN can make something so completely ridiculous work so damn well.