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Fantastic episode and the storyline with Caleb will prove to be important. No spoilers though. Next 2 episodes are 10’s in my book. I couldn’t give this ep a 10 because of that same gripe about the drug dealers.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

While I love this episode... I do agree with you that I was a bit confused by what happened with Lionel and the drug dealer, as well as with Carter and the guy she took the DNA samples from, and how the Machine figured out how Caleb was going to kill himself, or if it was more because of his dealings with the dealers. However, overall I really do enjoy this episode a lot. I love how Finch fights to save this kid from himself, as we learn he's the mastermind behind the drug deals, and eventually that he plans to kill himself by jumping in front of the train on the same night at the very age his brother was when he died. As for how Finch must have figured out what Caleb's plans were... I suspect it's because Finch is just a genius with numbers, and after Fusco told him about what he learned about the brother's death, he put two and two together. I also loved Fusco's role throughout this episode, as he works to figure out the mystery behind Caleb. I especially love the moment between him and the transit cop, when Fusco learns the truth about Caleb and his brother's death. A very powerful moment, and one fo my favorite moments in this episode. I missed Reese a lot in this episode. While I enjoy the episode a lot, I wish we would have seen more of Reese. And yet at the same time, I understand why he wasn't in this episode much, and applaud the creators and writers of this show for such a decision. It also helps to add to the mystery and thrill of what's to come. This FBI agent isn't backing down. He's determined to get the Man in the Suit, which does not bode well for Reese. Thank you so much! I appreciate another fantastic reaction to one of my favorite shows. :) Until next time...

Dani C

Oh! Yes, yes, yes - POI time :)


I think the guy with the dna sample was Carter finding an average guy with no criminal record so no fingerprints or dna samples in the system for the fbi to be thrown off John’s tracks. She switched the innocent guys dna with John’ and that’s why the fbi thought they were tampered with.


I’m assuming Fusco busted the dealer and Carter was looking for a guy who looked similar but had no record. I guess I didn’t get too hung up on those things because I just assumed that was the deal. Hoping we get more POI episodes soon.