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Yeah, it's a decent episode that I think progresses things nicely. As for the van scene, before Buffy and Angel (and Willow) go try to retrieve the box you see them get out of the van that Giles and Wesley are in and they mention that they will cause a distraction if it's needed. So I think that was just them being a distraction so Angel and Buffy could get away.




Everyone is allowed their opinion, not everything is for everyone, but I dig these types of episodes, everyone had something to do in it. To have so many actual decisions come to fruition was brilliant for me, once again not everyone has to love it, but it is quite the case in character study if you break it down. Willow in the end.........Epic!!!!!!! I will now watch.


3:53 everyone giggles........


Great reaction. You liked this episode more than I do, but I still think it’s a fine episode. It feels like a setup episode, but it doesn’t get me emotionally, which I value highly. 1. I loved that Steven loved Angel and Buffy fighting together. I did not expect that reaction. “Why didn’t we get more of Buffy and Angel fighting as a team in S2?” We had some, but when they patrolled alone, it often led to them making out or getting caught by the Judge. The theme of S2 was that Buffy was allowing her love for Angel to distract her from being the Slayer (growing up). She was caught up in the epic, forbidden love story that ended in tragedy. Now that Angel has healed, he is fighting better, but I also think this is mostly due to de-powering him earlier because it is Buffy’s show, and Angel was just the helper/boyfriend/damsel. It’s also cool to have the expected gender roles flipped. However, now Angel is getting his own show, so they’re starting to show more sides to him and making his fighting more impressive. But I agree, I love seeing them fight as a duo and wish we could have more of that. Also, this fighting together, while quite impressive, is used to imply that this is all they CAN do as a couple (I disagree — there are many things couples can do that do not require sex or sunlight). Nevertheless, Buffy is complaining that they’re in a rut and about the immortality thing, and later the Mayor powerfully articulates the same with the Villain Speaks the Truth trope. Finally, the opening scene is bookended with both Buffy and Angel now being worried and unsure. Buffy and the Mayor’s words are weighing especially on Angel. 2. That look that Faith gave: I think it was hesitation that was exacerbated by Willow’s speech. Faith automatically killed the spider demon that was about to attack Wesley, whom she probably hates. That surprised me a bit and gave me hope that Faith’s instinctive nature is still to do good. She clearly had plenty of time to grab the knife instead of standing there as if paralyzed. Her hesitation reminds me of her hesitation on the docks when she saved Buffy from Trick. My reading is that she was didn’t want to walk past Giles and near Wesley to get to the knife, which could imply shame or regret. I admit that this is a generous reading, but why else would Faith hesitate? The knife is incredibly important to her. It’s a special gift from the Mayor, her father figure — as icky as that relationship is — and I doubt that Faith is used to getting gifts.


3. Wesley’s consequentialist argument is a valid but ruthless argument, but that’s not how the Scooby gang works. You don’t fight evil by committing evil. You don’t sacrifice your loved ones when there are other options, and Buffy has always found other options. Even when that fails, Buffy will put a sword through the man she loves to save the world. They have two weeks to work this problem. Optimism! 😀 4. Willow using a pencil to stake a vampire is super impressive, and it calls back to her spinning the pencil in “Doppelgängland,” which she couldn’t control because talking about Faith made her lose emotional control. She’s come a long way, dressing very much not, “Well, look at me. I’m all fuzzy.” Now she says unironically, “Oh yeah, I’m bad.” She even stands up to Faith. Unpopular opinion warning: I do not like Willow’s takedown of Faith. If it were phrased differently, I might. But Willow, who has the world open to her, is so full of privilege and resentment that I don’t like her here. “You know, it didn't have to be this way. But you made your choice. I know you had a tough life. I know that some people think you had a lot of bad breaks. Well, boo hoo! Poor you. You know, you had a lot more in your life than some people. I mean, you had friends in your life like Buffy. Now you have no one. You were a Slayer, and now you’re nothing. You're just a big, selfish waste.” Whoa. Willow has NO idea what Faith’s history is, and while that history does not justify Faith’s choices, Willow trivializing trauma, abuse, and poverty that Willow never had to experience really emphasizes Willow’s privilege and lack of empathy that is also colored by Willow’s jealousy of Faith, and it reinforces what others have told Faith (Gwendolyn Post: “You’re an idiot.”). Other than the speech that rubs me wrong, this is a great Willow episode. OTOH, if Willow made a choice other than parking her bum down in the Mayor’s office to read those books (like trying to escape with the books or throwing the books out the window, I dunno, something else), then perhaps the Scoobies would have the Box of Gravrok AND Willow AND the Books of Ascension. Choices. I love the ending, which is another callback to the pencil-spinning scene in “Doppelgängland” at the very same tree. Although, I don’t think Willow is being 100% honest here, just as Buffy and Angel are not being 100% honest at the end.


The council gives the watcher a salary, meanwhile they don't pay the slayer as she is considered only as a tool and not a human being.


"why don't we ever do the couple fighting together thing with buffy and angel?!" my opinion? Because angel is a broody loser who prefered being cryptic and sticking to the shadows through s1, and being awkward in s2, then was angelus lol. I totally agree with you on this. Angel never feels like he is pulling his weight in the fighting side of slayer life lol


With comment of Willows parents not approving of her choice to stay in Sunnydale- remember the one time we met Willows mum she only just noticed Willows hair cut that she has had for 2-6 months at that time. We are basically told in that scene that Willows mum doesn’t pay all that much attention to willow or knows what’s she is doing... she she very well might not know what schools Willow got into or where she plans to go at all.

Allan Cornett

When the shows first aired Buffy was always followed by Angel. I don’t know where you got your watch list but every other reactor does Buffy 4.1 followed by Angel 1.1. Then an Buffy followed by Angel. This holds true for every crossover.

Heather Flores-Ricks

most buffy & angel reactors do not watch it this way, at least not recently. A lot of reactors use the below watching guide. http://slayalive.com/showthread.php/3924-The-Buffy-Angel-watching-guide