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Collector of Stuff

There is a good chunk of this episode missing starting after the explosion. Also after Sophie meets Victor.

Amanda Logsdon

I love this show, it's just plain fun

Jared Scoggin

I love this show. It has a similar style to Castle IMO. It's fun, but it can go serious when it's called for.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I absolutely love this show. Right now, I'm already sponsoring all seasons of Once Upon a Time, as well as Pushing Daisies, so for right now I can't sponsor this one too, but if no one picks it up to sponsor it before Once Upon a Time ends, then Leverage will be my next show I would like to sponsor. First... we are introduced to each of the characters, who are brought together by someone they don't know to be the bad guy, to steal another company's secret plans. Nate, or Nathan Ford is the team's mastermind. Sophie Devereaux is the grifter. Eliot Spencer is the hitter. Alec Hardison is the hacker, and Parker is the team's thief. I love, love, love each one of these characters, and i absolutely love the main concept of this series now that the team has come together in the end in order to take down the real bad guys who try to hurt the innocent people too weak to fight against them legally. It's brilliant!!! As for the actor you recognized playing Hardison, the hacker... he played Jake in Supernatural's season two's two part finale. The psychic with the super strength who killed Sam, then was killed by Sam later on after Jake sided with Yellow Eyes. Thank you so much! I hope there will be many more reactions for Leverage. Nevertheless... I truly had so much fun watching your reaction for this Pilot. Thank you!


The only legit OT3 (or really, OT5) ever. 💟

Ceara Abrahamsz

So happy you did this show!! Thank you to who asked/requested it! Stopped what I was doing and watched! Really hoping this does well in the poll! Absolutely love this show! 🙏💕

Scarlett Monrow

What is this version? There are so many scenes cut away (including hospital scene, which is hilarious!). But I adore this show! And if you add it to your roster, it would be great! It's fun and easy and campy!

Scarlett Monrow

53:35 That cash was from the cashier's check that Sofie switched. They cashed it out, and put most of it in office safe (the rest Sofie spend on shoes). That was also a part that was cut out.

Scarlett Monrow

54:10 - they didn't invest in the company, they shorted the stock. It's kinda similar to making a bet that this stock will go down. If you are right, you collect the winnings.

DJ Doena

Hi Geeked, first off, thank you very much for reacting to this show and I'm happy you enjoyed it. Should you choose to continue watching it, please be aware that the original airing order was screwed up due to network interference. They wanted some of the more flashier episodes first. While the episodes are mostly self-contained, it does screw up the character development a bit, regarding how well they know and like each other. Here's the original timeline watching order: 1x01 The Nigerian Job 1x02 The Homecoming Job 1x03 The Wedding Job 1x04 The Snow Job 1x05 The Mile High Job 1x06 The Miracle Job 1x07 The Two-Horse Job 1x08 The Bank Shot Job 1x09 The Stork Job 1x10 The Juror #6 Job 1x11 The 12-Step Job 1x12 The First David Job 1x13 The Second David Job

DJ Doena

Also, the pilot happens to be on Youtube. Here's the afforementioned hospital scene (from 18:23 on): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LA-oNj0dN4#t=18m23s The hospital scene also explains why they were going to bail int the first place, why Hardison was buying them airplane tickets to far-away places. And here's the extended "get Bennich into the fake office" scene (from 38:29 on): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LA-oNj0dN4#t=38m29s

DJ Doena

And then there's is this small extension to Bennich's rant when he figured out the red blinking light. He mentions the Nigerians and the well-known "Nigerian prince scam" that had been going on on the internet at that time (from 44:05 on): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LA-oNj0dN4#t=44m05s Basically they held a red cloth in front of the bull's eyes so he doesn't see the spear coming.

DJ Doena

And for anything interested in how the short trading worked, I tried to explain the basics in a comment to a Person of Interest episode here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/person-of-risk-28527378

DJ Doena

At the very end you said you haven't seen such a concept before, which proves how much older I am. ;-) For me, shows like this (or Burn Notice for that matter) are the spiritual successors of 80s shows like The A-Team and Knight Rider. The classic A-Team intro even states their mission profile: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MVonyVSQoM

DJ Doena

PS: The way they were originally aired is like this: 1x01 The Nigerian Job 1x02 The Homecoming Job 1x07 The Two Horse Job 1x06 The Miracle Job 1x08 The Bank Shot Job 1x09 The Stork Job 1x03 The Wedding Job 1x05 The Mile High Job 1x04 The Snow Job 1x11 The 12 Step Job 1x10 The Juror #6 Job 1x12 The First David Job 1x13 The Second David Job

Ari is my Cat

A short sell is pretty simple. Say you want to buy 100 shares of "Bad Ass INC" today they cost $1 per share. You will get them at today's price but I'm not buying the shares I sold you until next week. At the end of the week I buy the shares you've already paid me for. If the price is still $1 I make no money. If it went up to $1.50 I lost $50. If it went down to $0.5 I made $50.

Ari is my Cat

And yes it was "He used my son". He used the death of his son to make him more interested in doing the job because the insurance company that wouldn't pay for his son's treatment insured what they were taking.


Please, do this show! It’s awesome!


A lot of parts in the episode were missing but leverage is an amazing show I hope you conA lot of parts in the episode were missing but leverage is an amazing show I hope you continue to watch it along with Bones,Psych & House & you should also watch & react to Royal Pains they are all really amazing shows❤️❤️❤️tinue to watch it along with Bones,Psych & House I hope you continue to react to them & you should also react Royal Pains they are all really good shows❤️❤️❤️


A lot of parts in the episode were missing but leverage is an amazing show I hope you continue to watch it along with Bones,Psych & House & you should also watch & react to Royal Pains they are all really amazing shows❤️❤️❤️


I just discovered this, 6 months late. I have been searching for Leverage reactions on YouTube -- it seems like a natural for the format, but nobody does it. And even with several sequences missing from this stream, this was great fun to see through such a smart reactor's eyes. I do hope it continues here sometime.


New here but would love to see you continue this some day, one of my favorite shows