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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Another fabulous reaction!! Thank you very much! Well... I love the moments with Hook and Cora throughout this episode, despite Hook's role in this episode being fairly small in comparison to others. However, I really, really love this episode overall. So good! One of my favorite moments in this episode was in the beginning with David and Mary Margaret when they're still in bed together in the afternoon the morning after she and Emma returned home from the Enchanted Forest. I love how Emma is embarrassed and Henry's confused upon walking in on them, and that her parents joked about how happy they were that they could still traumatize their daughter so many years later. So cute!! The Charming family is beautiful and they're perfect!!! I love that the whole town threw a party to welcome Emma and Mary Margaret home and I love David's toast... to not having to look for his family for awhile. I also love that Emma invited Regina for Henry's sake. Her and Regina definitely have a lot of issues still to work out, but this was a first good step. Sadly, tragedy struck fast. Next... Cora does make for a great villain. It's so terrible that she's capable of framing her own daughter for murder, all so she can break Regina's spirit and to destroy all the good she's accomplished with just a little trickery. When I first saw this episode, I was so angry when I thought that she killed Archie, because like I've said before... Archie is one of my favorite characters outside of the major characters. I was so, so happy to see that he was still alive in the end. But it was so sad to see him get hurt and to see everyone's reactions to his death, especially Emma's and Henry's. And Regina's too. Archie never broke Regina's confidence. I understand too that he shouldn't have spoken to Emma or to anyone about Regina even coming to see him, or that she was doing so to try to change. However, all he wanted was to help her by helping the others to see the good in her she was fighting to bring back out. Archie believes in Regina and because of this, Cora saw it as a cruel opportunity to teach her daughter a lesson, believing that she can later swoop in to pick up the pieces to help her daughter again. As for everyone being so quick to believe Regina really did all this... Cora really did do the perfect frame job. And with Regina's past, it would be incredibly difficult for anyone to believe in her. Except that Emma did to a point. Because while hers and Regina's pasts are hardly the same, Emma still saw some of Regina in herself. And I love that. Sadly, even Gold's solution to have Emma look into Pongo's memories didn't work, because Pongo only ever saw Regina enter, at least up to the point where Emma threw the dream catcher down. Unfortunately, Emma didn't watch Pongo's memories beyond this point and if she had, she might have seen Cora switch Archie for the innocent unknown person she really killed. Just like you said. However, Pongo also did sense something wasn't right with Regina when Cora walked into Archie's office. Pongo sensed she was an impostor, which is why he barked. Unfortunately, that didn't come through in his memories. I also love that Emma has begun to develop her magic, as Gold encourages her to do so. It's great, and it show a slight parallel with him beginning to teach Regina her own magic too. I also love the backstory with Snow and David capturing Regina and putting her on trial, bringing in another parallel to the present day storyline with the Charmings questioning Regina, and are attempting to arrest her despite her having magic in the present time. I love how Snow fought to spare Regina's life because Regina had once saved her life, and in so doing, Snow then saved Regina's life by sparing it. I also really love how Rumplestiltskin manipulated everything in order to convince Regina into casting the curse, by making it so that Regina wouldn't be able to kill Snow and Charming so long as they were in their world. And it appears he was on Snow's and Charming's side as he agrees to help the Charmings, when really, his manipulations made it so Regina would soon cast the curse just like he's always wanted. And this brings us to the moment right up until Regina traveled to their castle on the day of Snow's and Charming's wedding, once again bringing it full circle to the beginning. Beautiful!! As for Emma's fear about taking Henry... I feel that it's not that she's afraid to take care of him and raise him. It's her insecurities coming through upon knowing she has to tell him that Archie, who was a very dear friend to Henry, is dead and that she believes his adopted Mother killed him. Emma is afraid that Henry will come to resent her for having Regina arrested and for helping to turn everyone in town against her even more than they already were, and therefore straining their relationship. I really feel so badly for Regina too. I understand where you're coming from. I feel bad for Regina, as well as the heroes too. Cora is the real villain in this episode for turning everyone against her own daughter, just as she wanted so that Regina would be more willing to accept her again into her life. It's tragic, because I truly believe that Regina was really trying to change for the better and that Emma really believed in her, almost as much as Henry does. If there is really anything negative about this episode, it's that there wasn't enough of Hook in it. :) Overall... I really enjoy this episode a lot and it's a great beginning to the second half of the season. Thank you very much again, for another great reaction. I can't wait for your next episode reaction. It's going to be so good!!! :) Until next time...

Paul Fisher

I just caught your last two reactions. They were great and I'll answer a question you asked last time. The answer relates to ideas in this reaction. You asked about our favorite characters. My favorite is Rumplestiltskin and Regina is a very close second. It's almost a tie between them. I like them because both are such complex characters. We've seen that both were once good people, both did a lot of evil, and now both are trying to change because of people who love them (Belle for Rumple and Henry for Regina.) But unlike you, I didn't dislike the reaction of everyone doubting Regina in this episode; I would have found it unrealistic if they believed her. In terms of the timeline in the show, it's probably only been a few months at most since Regina murdered Graham, so it would seem quite reasonable for everyone to assume she could also murder Archie. As the flashback showed us, they gave her many chances to change in the past and she never did. As for Henry staying with her, no matter how much WE love Regina, and even though we are dealing with fairy tales, in the real world Regina would be considered a mass murderer and mass murderers don't get custody of their children, even if we don't think they would hurt the child. I don't mean to seem too harsh toward Regina - as I said, I love her character. But if she were to change too quickly and be forgiven too quickly, I think it would cheapen her story - it should be a long and difficult process. Whether she can change and whether she can be forgiven, we'll have to wait and see. That brings me to my next group of favorite characters and here you may be surprised because we have quite different reactions (that keeps life interesting!) My third favorite is Henry (actually, it's the whole Charming family: Henry, Emma, Snow, and David are all pretty much at the same level for me.) Regina's story would be very different without Henry; he is the catalyst that drives her to try to change. I think Henry does love Regina but he hates the things she does, and as a child, it's hard for him to separate the two. Remember, he was the one who convinced them to save Regina from the mob in the first episode of Season Two and he got Emma to promise to protect Regina. We also saw him hug her in the last episode and praise her for changing. Although they've never explicitly shown us Regina and Henry's home life before he brought Emma to town, I think they've implied that Henry was traumatized at an early age when he first realized that he was the only child in Storybrooke who aged. The fact that Regina lied to him and dismissed his observations as "crazy" instead of resolving his fears probably destroyed a lot of the trust between them. I think that's why Henry didn't believe Regina loved him, even though we know she does - she just tries to express it in terrible ways sometimes (as she said to him in "We Are Both", "I don't know how to love very well." But as Henry gets older, I think he is coming to understand Regina better.

Ceara Abrahamsz

I find it realistic that the don’t believe Regina, like they literally saw it with their own two eyes, and have no reason to believe Cora is in town, let alone that she did anything. Emma did her best to get down to the absolute truth, but Cora was just that good and covered all her tracks. Also yes, you can say, “Regina saved them! She deserves credit, thanks, etc!” But let’s keep in mind Regina saved them AFTER helping put their lives at risk in the first place. I always assumed that Henry not living with Regina was because it was literally Henry’s choice. Why an 11 year old has that choice, that much say-so, is questionable, but that’s why I never questioned it, or was upset about Henry kind of leaving Regina to live with Emma and all of them. Henry didn’t want to live with someone he doesn’t truly trust, not yet. Not when he saw Regina literally try to kill his birth mother and grandmother that same week, while also keeping in mind, that one time he walked in on her using magic to pin David/Charming to a wall, about to rip his heart out. Call me crazy but I don’t want to live with someone who I keep on seeing try to kill my loved ones,LOL Even if they don’t want to hurt me. I honestly don’t think Henry truly believes that Regina loves him, him giving her a chance to change, for him, is him testing her himself, like, if you change, that means you actually do love me. I definitely can relate to that, when I was little I would keep on asking my mom that “If you love me, you’ll stop smoking” it isn’t rational. Being a young child, and not understanding the complicatedness of addiction, (whether it’s smoking or magic,lol) but that was what I believed, and I can definitely relate to Henry not wanting to be around a negative influence, even if you love that person. Emma though, I think it’s just her being over-protective of Henry, not an excuse, by any means, but that’s where I think she’s coming from. I don’t think she’s thinking with her head when it comes to Henry, but her heart. Which is why I believe she’s being possessive and protective. But also let’s not forget that Regina is like, a murderer, she’s literally killed a mass, ton of people, and I honestly can’t imagine the reasoning for allowing a murderer to have custody of their child. It doesn’t make sense to me for Regina to be forgiven right away, and have everyone love her, and let her have Henry, and giving her the benefit of the doubt, like “We saw you kill Dr. Hopper but it’s okay! Here go take Henry for the night!” Regina’s a great character, but for her to be a phenomenal character, she needs to earn forgiveness, love, and her parental rights back. She gone on for years doing horrible things, killing, torturing, mass amounts of people and hasn’t payed for it. She was banned. That’s it. She caused a curse, and didn’t truly pay for that yet. I think this season is her earning back things (Henry) she got while doing bad. Regina is a AMAZING character...one who deserves an AMAZING character arch! 💕 And it’s not just you, I see a lot of people side with Regina, feel bad for her, I think the show wants you to feel like that, but a lot of people also tend to recognize the situation and understand that the Charmings\Emma are being manipulated. Love and respect to differing points of view/opinions! ❤️

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Another fabulous reaction!! Thank you very much! Well... I love the moments with Hook and Cora throughout this episode, despite Hook's role in this episode being fairly small in comparison to others. My favorite moment in this episode was in the beginning with David and Mary Margaret when they're still in bed together in the afternoon the morning after she and Emma returned home from the Enchanted Forest. I love how Emma is embarrassed and Henry's confused upon walking in on them, and that her parents joked about how happy they were that they could still traumatize their daughter so many years later. So cute!! The Charming family is beautiful and they're perfect!!! I love that the whole town threw a party to welcome Emma and Mary Margaret home and loved David's toast... to not having to look for his family for awhile. I also love that Emma invited Regina for Henry's sake. Her and Regina definitely have a lot of issues still to work out, but this was a first good step. Sadly, tragedy struck fast. Next... Cora does make for a great villain. It's so terrible that she's capable of framing her own daughter for murder, all so she can break Regina's spirit and to destroy all the good she's accomplished with just a little trickery. When I first saw this episode, I was so angry when I thought that she killed Archie, because like I've said before... Archie is one of my favorite characters outside of the major characters. I was so, so happy to see that he was still alive in the end. But it was so sad to see him get hurt and to see everyone's reactions to his death, especially Emma's and Henry's. And Regina's too. Archie never broke Regina's confidence. He was wrong to say what he did, but he did so with good intentions. All he wanted was to help Regina by helping the others to see the good in her she was fighting to bring back out. Archie believes in Regina and because of this, Cora saw it as a cruel opportunity to teach her daughter a lesson, believing that she can later swoop in to pick up the pieces to help her daughter again. As for everyone being so quick to believe Regina really did all this... Cora really did do the perfect frame job. And with Regina's past, it would be incredibly difficult for anyone to believe in her. Except that Emma did to a point. Because while hers and Regina's pasts are hardly the same, Emma still saw some of Regina in herself. And I love that. Sadly, even Gold's solution to have Emma look into Pongo's memories didn't work, because Pongo only ever saw Regina enter. However, he did sense something wasn't right with Regina when Cora walked into Archie's office. Pongo sensed she was an impostor, which is why he barked. Unfortunately, that didn't come through in his memories. I also love that Emma has begun to develop her magic, as Gold encourages her to do so. It's great, and it show a slight parallel with him beginning to teach Regina her own magic too. I also love the backstory with Snow and David capturing Regina and putting her on trial, bringing in another parallel to the present day storyline with the Charmings questioning Regina, and attempting to arrest her despite her having magic in the present time. I loved how Snow fought to spare Regina's life because Regina had once saved her life, and in so doing, Snow then saved Regina's life by sparing it. I also really love how Rumplestiltskin manipulated everything in order to convince Regina to cast the dark curse, by making it so that Regina wouldn't be able to kill Snow and Charming so long as they were in their world. Absolutely brilliant! And this brings us to the moment when Regina travels to their castle on the day of Snow's and Charming's wedding. Once again bringing it full circle to the beginning. Beautiful!! If there is really anything negative about this episode, it's that there wasn't enough of Hook in it. :) Overall... I really enjoy this episode a lot and it's a great beginning to the second half of the season. Thank you very much again, for another great reaction. I can't wait for your next episode reaction. It's going to be so good!!! :) Until next time...