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Stephanie Bedworth

I'm very excited that you watched this pilot and enjoyed it. This is one of my favorite shows of all time and I hope you continue it. I don't know if you ever watched American Horror Story but Frances Conroy (Ruth Fisher) was in most of the seasons of that. I agree with you that everyone should watch The Visitor if they haven't see it already. That's a fantastic movie.


I love this show. Strange thing happened, though. I watched it when it first aired but I hadn’t thought about it in years. Then, just last week I was talking about it with a coworker and then this pops up today. I was so excited and a little weirded out.

Janet Daurity

I see its been quite a while since you watched this pilot and you haven't continued. That is such a shame! If you continue this show I am all in! Is Michael C Hall not the most amazing actor? From 5 years as David Fischer straight into Dexter? Blows your mind. I hope you continue this series as it is fabulous!!!! Thank you for sharing the pilot reaction with all of us

Janet Daurity

By the way, I hope you feel better soon! A lot of my family had the flu over the holidays and it was awful and rampant. Thank God I escaped unscathed. Sorry that you didn't. Get well soon. I totally enjoyed your reaction to Six Feet Under and hate it if you didn't continue (after Dexter that is, LOL)! Dexter first!

Janet Daurity

By the way, they only did the commercials in the pilot and didn't do them ever again.

Jason Usher

great reaction, hope you continue the show at some point, this is one of the best shows with possibly the bet finale ever