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Completely agree with you that the secondary storyline was way more interesting. Veronica's storyline was boring, confusing and kinda pointless to me. I love whenever Logan and Weevil interact. I pretty much love it whenever Logan is on screen tbh lol. Excited to see more reactions to this season!

Nica Marie

Kendall is basically Cassidy's only option. What other "adult" does he have access to for this position? Mom is remarried and living mainly in Europe. Dad is a fugitive from justice. Kendall is desperate for money and not bright enough to be able to steal the company out from under him. As for Veronica's obsession with finding out about her mom, does the phrase "like mother, like daughter" ring a bell for you? She's terrified she might become her Mom so she desperately wants to find something good about her mother. As to the ending: remember when you asked why Meg didn't die in the crash? Now you know. It's so we get pregnant Meg and all the drama that will bring.

Nica Marie

Also, who doesn't love "Rode hard meet Put away wet"? Gotta love that line. Snarky Kendall and Trina for the win! Mini Buffy reunion in that scene and it was EVERYTHING.

Ina Durcekova

I love Veronica Mars, but season 2 is one I watched the least, so I genuinely have no idea how the storyline with Meg, Duncan and the baby will end. LOL, I love how "great" my memory is.


This episode had a Buffyish element to it by using the class assignment to deliver the theme & plot of the episode: Children suddenly becoming parents whether they want to or not, and how they and the adults around them deal with it. I had wondered if Meg was pregnant because of all the secrecy, and I didn’t like it until the episode where it was revealed that Meg’s parents are abusive. That adds a very disturbing element. I think Steven may have missed this dialogue because he was rightfully squeeing over the Logan/Weevil fight, but instead of using a VO, Veronica used the baby to talk about her anxieties and motive driving this episode: “Ever hear of genetics, kid? Thanks to your grandma, I've got a 50-50 shot of becoming an alkie. Guess that makes your odds one in four, which isn't so bad. Oh, and there's also this latent mean girl gene. You're lucky you're made out of plastic.” I’m glad that the show doesn’t let us forget that Veronica is still traumatized from her mother’s abandonment and betrayal, and she’s worried whether the cool mother she loved was real, or did she never know the real Lianne, and will Veronica turn out to be like her? Answer: People are complicated, Veronica. Also, the show reminds us that Veronica does a lot of unethical, shady stuff that usually involves revenge, and we often cheer her on for it, but it’s not always good—especially when V is leaping to nonsensical conclusions that will hurt people. Veronica herself realizes it and tries to backtrack, but Trina’s gonna Trina and go for the tabloid humiliation to get her hands on the Kane money. I was happy to see Trina looked genuine when she hugged Mary, and that Trina exposed Moorehead. Go VP Clemmons being all Machiavellian, although I hope he didn’t know about this at the time and waited 25 years (feels like a retcon). Brings up memories of S1 “Mars vs. Mars,” where Veronica took the word of the teacher over Carrie Bishop, who Veronica disliked because she gossiped about her and Duncan. Veronica’s smart, but she’s very human and imperfect.


Although i agree the principal plot of Veronica snooping around for her mother might have been important, as it is true that her relationship (or lack there of) with her mother is defining her character. The second plot with Logan and Weevil is very enjoyable. I believe the second half of the season is better than the first half.

Renee Pope-Munro

You said literally everything I came here to say, and these reasons are why it’s an 8 for me and not a 7.