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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I loved seeing Jack again! And i love the explanation for why Jack can't die... because Rose brought him back to life, mistakenly bringing him back to life for all eternity. Brilliant!


You had commented at the end when Martha recognized the voice about whether we should know who this is. But I think it was more important to recognize that immediately after that, the Doctor knew who it was as he knew his name. I think that is really all I can say without being too spoilery.

DJ Doena

The flat lady (Cassandra) considered herself the last "pure" human while others have "interbred" with other species. But seeing how full she was of herself, it was probably just PR-BS.

Melinda Barr

The Master is the Doctor's nemesis from Classic Doctor Who. I totally freaked the first time I saw this character reveal.

Vicky N

It’s really too bad that you didn’t watch the first season of TORCHWOOD before this episode. You would certainly have been less confused about Jack.

Vicky N

Derek Jacobi is a fantastic actor, his change from prof. Yana to the Master is wonderful.


This was not a well done reveal on the part of Doctor Who. That is why there is some disconnect between "Old Series" watchers and those who began with the reboot. None of the classic Villains were handled properly. You have now met the "Un-Holy Trinity" of Doctor Who baddies. And each reveal (Daleks, Cybermen. "The Master") all got the gasp from certain fans and the wtf? from everyone else. It is sad, these things fracture the fandom.


Martha's jealousy is a bit annoying, but I take it that nobody can help their feelings, no matter what those feelings are, anyone can only help their actions in regards to their feelings, so it would bother me a lot more if she acted on her feelings in some harmful way. rather than her just feeling them and not really hiding the way she's feeling.


As you can see, the second half of Series 3 is pretty damn solid. In my view, we're entering the golden age of the show at this point, which will continue for a good few series yet! But others will disagree, either with this being the golden age, or that the golden age winds down when I think it does.

DJ Doena

Now that you have met The Master, I suggest you watch the Red Nose day special from quite a few years ago starring Rowan Atkinson ("Mr. Bean") as The Doctor. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Do-wDPoC6GM

Dani C

Dont worry too much about Torchwood syncing up with Who. It is nice to connect it all and occasionally there will be odd moments where you don t immediately understand something if you haven't watched them alongside - but really, they can be watched separately. Like with all the Dr Who spinoffs, they can generally be understood without seeing the main show or vice versa


I love this episode amd I feel that the Master was the best bad guy reveal out of the unholy trinity. Probably because hes just one guy, and its onvious from the start the Doctor has a personal connection with him. John Simm plays his evilness with such glee, I love it. The finale of this series straddles a line between very good and very weird, which i feel is obvious in this episode being split between the Master drama and the overacting of the futurekind


It's funny, because I often see people saying that this reveal doesn't hit as hard if you don't know classic who, but in my personal experience with the show that wasn't really the case. I found myself easily drawn in by the build up within the episode and gathered the gravity of the situation mostly from the context and the Doctor's reaction. Then again I had a similar experience with School Reunion in that I felt emotionally connected to Sarah Jane and K-9 pretty much right away just because of the Doctor's response. This and the rest of the finale were actually what finally kicked me in the butt to go back and watch some more of the classic show.


like others have said Rose brought Jack back anything else was explained more on Torchwood.