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Howdy ladies and gents, 

So as you all know this month has been a not so great month for me and I thought when I got back that things would get back to normal but they did not.

A lot of the paperwork and management that I do for work was piled up and I have been playing catch up. Working 10 hour days 5 days a week.

Me taking care of my Neice in the Mornings has been something that has taken away my 3-4 hours of recording in the Mornings so all I have is the evening which I only have maybe 3 hours before I'm exhausted and cant record. I am being a good brother and son and watching her to just take away the stress from my siblings and mother becuase of everything and as much as I wish I could be someone who looks out for myself its just not who I am and this week and half of next will be the same with me watching her.

I dont like making excuses and I feel that this month you have just had to hear my reasons for what's happening and I understand if it comes off as excuses to some and I am truly sorry about that. 

As I have mentioned in some of my reactions the plan is to get back on track with work this week and get my mornings back on September 4th when my Neice goes back to school. 

So the MAIN THING I want to make this post for is becuase it is the end of the month and with the new month approaching in the next few days I want to make sure I give everyone the chance to jump down to the lower tiers if they choose. 

A lot of the reactiona I had to do this month will bleed over into September and I dont want to make anyone feel like August is a forgotten month.

Those that paid for anything in August your shows and episodes will be done, just in September.

Those that have Fast Tracked shows if you stay on in September it just means that you can add the episodes I missed for August to the 9 episode you are supposed to get in September.

Those that are at the Binge Tiers your shows will also he added but since it's way more shows understand that it may take me realistically into October to fully catch up with your shows. 

Anyone that is in the Pilot Program tiers and I am way behind on in September I will be doing a lot more shows from those tiers in an effort to catch up.

As you know I am behind with those reactions anyone that wants to drop down your show will still be done. I have a list of all the shows I have to do and if you do stay on for September please DM with what new shows I will be adding to the list.

So again this is just letting you all know ahead of time before the 1st I'd September so you are not charged cor somwthing when you feel August was not fulfilled.

If you have any questions leave them in the comments or please DM me.

Thanks again for the amazing support you have all shown.

P.S. I'll try to make this the last update about this kind of stuff for a while. 


Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Don't worry so much about disappointing us. Most of us appear to be pretty understanding. I for sure am understanding. I promise you that you're all good, my friend. You won't be losing my support in any way. I wish you well and that you will get plenty of rest between work and the few reactions a night you do get done. Just... thank you for those. Until your next Once Upon a Time and Person of Interest reactions... :)


Take more time if you need it. We'll still be here :-)


I feel so bad that you’re so stressed out about it. You are really awesome. You do smart, funny and very thoughtful reactions and (not as a negative on any of my other reactors because I love them all) you put out more content then anyone. I’m here for the duration and I am definitely not worried about a little blip. I look at you less as someone I’m paying for a service and more as a friend I watch TV with. So friend, take whatever time you need. You’re worth the wait.

Alexis Cardarella

Yes, I’m not going to begrudgingly go down a tier because of one month of less content. No, Sir.. Take it easy, okay?

Ina Durcekova

I like how you encourage people to step down a tier in light of your recent issues. Even though I won't use that option (and I don't think many others will as well), I appreciate that you took time to tell people to feel free to do that and not feel bad about it. I think that most of us that pay for your Patreon are well enough financially that we will survive without that dollar, five or even sixty that we paid for :) And we know that you will work hard to catch up. Just take it easy, no one wants you to work 10 hour days at work and then spend another 8 hours making videos. Take some time to rest!

NaTasha Norris

I’m with everyone else. ☝🏼I’d rather see you slow down for a while then burn out playing catch up.

Brenda Lewis

I pay the same amount to other reactors that never put out as much content as you do. So I'm fine where I am with my tier. The only thing consistent is change. I hope things settle down in your life. We've all been there.

Collector of Stuff

I might cry. Any minute now a single tear will roll down my cheek. You should send me cookies.

Janeka Rector

Do what you have to, we’ll be here. :)


Please slow down and finish the shows you already have before you start new ones! :) Don’t get stressed

Toasted Toad

Don't worry about all this. Don't try to play catch up. Just start again from where you are and make new deadlines. Once you get back into the swing of things you'll be able to get content out, but not if you're constantly stressed about a backlog. Take it at a reasonable pace so that you can actually enjoy what you're watching.


Unlike others, I would like to query/get clarification as to what you mean with your patreon goals … $2k full time, $3k hire someone part time, $4k, office space etc … when you are closing on $3.5k /month. It sounds like you are keeping a demanding full time job with your important family commitments. As I typed this I've noticed a small decrease in patreon income.


Well fulltime meant that I would eliminate my 20 hours of overtime from my day job and I did that I believe in Juneish. So I actually work on my channel/patreon before August for about 30+ hours a week. The hiring of someone Part time was meant to he an editor but with everything that happen In August that has not happen yet. The office space is something I want just to babe more free space. I hope that all makes sense


Makes sense, though honestly I dont feel you need to justify it. People pledge of their own free will and you can spend what you make however you want!


Except that there are stated goals and, in essence, a kind of contract between the entertainment service/content provider (Geeked Out Nation) and myself and others as paying consumers. People wouldn't pledge money for no content, therefore it isn't a "donation" The oddity of this is the much more personal connection people feel with the content provider, as such people are willing to put down $X each month to, in essence, watch their favourite shows with a newbie, if not quite a friend. I'm still subscribing atm - put there is the value proposition, at US $5 p.m and the only patreon reactor I subscribe to. I pay less per month here for Amazon Prime (with Video), less than twice per month for stan.com.au and about 2.4x for Netflix. Does this come across as too harsh?