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Mark Wood

I love that when casting Supernatural the creator was worried if Jared could play smart, when he was an excellent student in High School, even winning national honors in debate. But all they saw was his more blue collar role in Gilmore Girls.

Mark Wood

And yeah this is a great first season episode.

Elisa Ingo

I've been waiting for this episode.... loved your reaction!!


One of my faves - so glad you liked it too! Re; Dean's reaction to the bf question: it's funny, because that's always bothered me a little, as well? But I guess they just sort of went with the whole characterization of someone who's not particularly verbally enthusiastic, but shows his commitment in other ways - i.e., the comparing height scene at the dance, the whole defending Rory's "honor" w Tristan, trying to take her home so all of the blame wouldn't fall on her, etc. On a personal level, it strikes me as a little odd, that sort of flat affect to Rory's big questions in comparison with his actions, but as a narrative, I guess it fits. Anyway, great reaction as always! Thanks so much! 😊

Ina Durcekova

I became a patron because of Gilmore Girls! Love your reactions! Hope you will continue with other seasons as well (although I know it's still a long way to go)

Renee Pope-Munro

I think the reason the Gilmore Girls ep resonates with you so much is that the payoffs are earned - we’ve had build up with pretty much all the conflicts, and with the seeet moments between Lorelai and Emily - making the gut punch of their fight at the end even more painful. Such a great ep, and plenty more to come of this calibre.

NaTasha Norris

Grown man gives an episode where a teenage girl goes to her first school dance a ten??? I love this content! It’s just good tv- and this reaction proves that you don’t have to be a teenage girl to appreciate Gilmore Girls. Such a common misconception about this show.


This was actually my first episode of Gilmore Girls along with the next episode because it aired as a 2 hour episode (I recorded it by mistake back when those things could happen) I’ve always thought it was really good but it was good to have someone else agree.