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Great to see you back and feeling a little better - I hope? Zeppo was one of the Marx brothers (Groucho Marx was the most famous one who you might have heard of). Zeppo was considered the most expendable of the Marx brothers for their act.

Ryan Wilson

People have probably said this about past episodes but to get a better understanding of this episode go to Ian's youtube channel, Passion of the Nerd, and watch his video guide on it.


Welcome back !


Jimmy Olsen for the win!!! 😂 I, for one, LOVE the episode. I was very much like you when I first saw it, just: .....what the fuck just happened?!?!? Lolol. But then I watched it again, and it started to seep in -- you actually got there faster -- that it was all about the tropes! They use everything here: the Apocalypse, complete with the Hellmouth ("the worst thing we've ever faced!" so dramatic lol), Willow doing spells and research, mean Cordy, Werewolf!Oz, the weepy Bangel fight/declaration (which, yes, was definitely meant for comedy - that swell of music when Xander leaves *snort*), Willy the Snitch, it was just jam packed with them, and so awesome. And in the middle of all of it is Xander the Everyman, and I love that they followed him throughout, his whole journey. That smile at the end kills me, the way he now knows his worth enough to refuse to rise to Cordelia's baiting. I've never seen anything like that done before. It's one of the most brilliant "search for identity" episodes of anything I've seen, ever, and I'm so thrilled you liked it!! Thanks so much for the reaction - and welcome back! 😊


I was really looking forward to your reaction to this episode and you did not disappoint! This is definitely a weird one for first-time viewers. I love how the overly dramatic scenes between Buffy and Angel seem ridiculous since we're seeing them from Xander's perspective.


Yep, you got it as the episode wore on — the non-Xander B-plot, which would normally be played seriously and be the focus is instead fragmented over-the-top melodrama to better contrast with the real story of the episode, which is Xander finding his confidence. And your two conflicting reactions — loving it vs. confused disappointment — are basically the two camps of fan opinion on the episode. It wouldn’t rank in my top 10 Buffy/Angel episodes because there’s so many great ones, but for me it definitely falls closer to the top than to some of the duds.

Amanda Logsdon

Same I think I didn't actually like/appreciate this episode till the 3rd viewing


Love that you mentioned how Xander brings his heart to the team. The reason hes my favorite character is precisely because he doesnt have any special powera but fights anyway. With Willow being a witch now, hes truly the only normal one left of the group, and thats so important for Buffys ties to the human world, and for the shows viewers to see just a nornal guy dealing with high school along with deadly threats. Xanders character development over the show is great, and I love this episode for showing how important he is, even if nobody notices sometimes. Glad to see youre doing better!


The Zeppo is often considered one of the best episodes. Every ranking you find has it, at least, in the top 20 if not top 10. I love it but I did not like it THAT much. It manages to be completely tongue-in-cheek while also allowing some character building. The focus on Xander speaks to this. It is highly entertaining and rewatchable. In fact, you realize more things on repeat viewings. And yes, the scene with Buffy and Angel is meant to be melodramatic to the point of satire. The episode writer is Dan Vebber, who also wrote Lovers Walk. It's a shame he did not become a regular staff writer because both of his episodes are really good.

Marshall Dante Robertson

I've been watching this show since I was 9, and I'm 27 now, so it's really cool that you get to see how opinions grow and change in almost 20 years. But some remain consistent, and this episode has always been a fan favorite, even for people who aren't the biggest fans of Xander, (and there's quite a few). I also really dug how you really felt sorry for him. It showed you how well the show blends serious themes with comedy. This is a deconstruction episode. It basically made fun of itself and its tropes, so everything is meant to seem overdramatic because we're seeing things from Xander's point of view. This is very evident during the Bangel scene, with the soap opera music abruptly stopping as soon as Xander stumbles in. That's literally how he sees their relationship, so it makes perfect sense why he's your favorite character: you guys are the same person. Haha! 😂 One of the best episodes of the series IMO.


The three main Marx brothers were considered the talented, funny ones while poor Zeppo had to play the straight man.

Alexis Cardarella

I wish you wouldn’t think of it as you being behind! Just think of it has resuming! We don’t want you to burn out!!!!

Alexis Cardarella

And the eyebrows really look fantastic. I never notice any eyebrow dishevelment lol


I don't want to take anything away from Dan Vebber because he went on to be quite successful, but Joss wrote most of "Lovers Walk" (at minimum all the Spike stuff), and I suppose it was Joss's idea to rewrite "The Zeppo" into a Buffy episode from Xander's POV. "'Lovers Walk' was an episode that was not as heavily rewritten as 'The Zeppo'. My pitch to Joss for that episode was "we should do a Rosencrantz & Guildenstern episode, where it's following a really boring character, and in the background the most exciting, world-ending story is taking place and we just don't even address it". He liked that idea and he ended up doing it. In my draft, the B story was brought to the forefront and the A story was in the background, whereas in Joss's draft of it he had brought up the B story much more. I feel like it might have lost a little of that Rosencrantz & Guildenstern element, but, for all I know, it wouldn't have been watchable if that were the case." - Dan Vebber

Alexis Cardarella

I’ll be honest, I had essentially the same reaction of the episode (referring to Helpless).. but my views evolved overtime.. People can come off attacking and should be a little less volatile about it. That’s all I’m saying


I think you need to trust your instincts on this one. You loved the episode in all its trope-subverting weirdness - was interesting to watch your early "oh they doing this" with the episode, then more and more "Huh? WTF is going on?" reactions. I really like the episode for the same reason - and the fact it is really fun/well written as well. Of course character growth for Xander. The episode showed how confident the show had become by this point that they could play up the apocalyptic end of the world stuff, the over-dramatic buffy/angel stuff (heavy emphasis on SMG melodrama) …. all in the twist of having what would usually be a B-plot be the main focus as a Xander centric episode. The plot-adjacent apocalypse was the point! For me the bit right at the end where Xander smiles, the way I interpret it is - Xander has had a massive self-confidence boost - a life altering night of self discovery - and can take Cordelia's (justified) anger with a smile, and maybe, perhaps, is just appreciating Cordelia the person - who he would still care for. Obv part of the greater message that there are more important things in life than obsessing over image, coolness and insults. Also interesting to see, last two episodes, how you are really noticing how consistently good the episodes have been.


And as to score, I'd rate it a 10.

Alexis Cardarella

I feel like this episode is great, and I get the overall concept, but I know it would be better if we had known more going on with the other part of the gang’s end.. it’ll always feel that way to me. So, yeah, it’s great in its own right, but not a favorite episode of mine..

Vicky N

Xander is my least liked main character. He is always judgmental, especially towards Buffy and never takes responsibility for his mistake. But at the same time he his brave and self deprecating. That’s why at first viewing l really disliked this episode because I viewed it as an attempt to redeem a character that didn’t earn it, especially with the end with his newfound self confidence showcased at Cordelia’s expense. The one that have been wronged the most by him. That said, now I overlook my misgivings about Xander because this is a extremely well written episode, the self parody is genius. It make you appreciate even more how self aware the writers are in playing and subverting tropes. And in a episode like this you have character growth and exploration. Simply masterful.

NaTasha Norris

This is my favorite episode of Buffy. I have never seen anything like it before, and maybe never will again. They took the melodrama that Buffy the tv series can sometimes be and made it the humor in an episode. While taking the guy who is usually the humor - and making him the focal point. But not just in a silly way like Bewitched and Bewildered was, rather in a very real “starring death in the face” kind of way. Yep. I really love every line of this one.

Nica Marie

The actor who plays Jack O'toole was in another vampire show before Buffy. I always remember him for his role in "Kindred: the Embraced"


Love this one! It's such a unique little episode where we get to see everything through Xander's eyes. It's great to see the show making fun of itself with all the over acting and drama going on in the background. I love how Xander actually ends up saving them all in the end and they don't even know it.

Ari is my Cat

I agree with you on Xander but even on first viewing I liked it not because it redeemed him, but because even overly judgemental and unreasonably jealous people can have a good day.


This is spot on. Nothing is wrong with the episode, but if they had taking a little bit of time to flesh out the stakes of the "other little thing that was going on".....I mean how bad could it be Faith took time out to make me eternally jealous of Xander......hahahaha


Xander drives me from adoration to I am okay if he is the one to suffer in this episode. This reminds me of why I love him.....he is the weakest of them all in every category, he posses no special skills (Army training from Halloween episode).........but when things go wrong, Buffy can look over her shoulder and Xander will be there........Xander will be there and for that........He is the greatest character because he is the most flawed, he is the weakest and yet he fights........

Collector of Stuff

I loved this episode. The music was my absolute favorite part.


Great episode - fun and funny, and auch a bold, brave choice from the writers!

Katherine Thoreson

This was the show basically making fun of itself and how melodramatic it could be....and I love it. :D


Zeppo, almost perfect episode. It's all about Xander's viewpoint and his journey to find his courage, purpose and self worth. He saved the world, because he saved Buffy and the gang. He matured so much on the course of this episode. He didn't even come up with comeback to Cordelia in the end. There are better episodes, but the script of this episode is amazing.


As far as I remember, the real reason that this episode was shot this way is because SMG was filming a movie at the time and they had to reduce her screen time on the show :-) If I'm wrong, which is very possible, correct me please.


Are you thinking of "Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered" in S2? They turned Buffy into a rat because SMG had to leave to rehearse & perform in Saturday Night Live. There are future episodes that they wrote to reduce SMG's role either because of Angel crossovers or just to give SMG a break because she frequently worked 18-hour days, but I think her film roles were shot in between seasons or during breaks.


I'm not sure people really explained why the council's plan for Buffy in Helpless was both dumb and evil. I know people said it was a metaphor for the patriarchy, and sure it was... but forget metaphors! There is a really good reason why the council is wrong in this, and really it is part of a life lesson that Buffy as a show tries to teach us: Don't ever take for granted or blindly accept anything from a societal institution when the only logic used to justify the truth or authority it has is 'because they said so'. The test exists only because some council people a long time ago created it for their own purposes. People create institutions and disperse ideas for their own interests. It's important that we remember that as we go through life or people will take advantage of our naivety. The council is planning to trap a young woman with a monster, powerless, with the expectation that it is very likely that that girl will die. Why are you taking their word that they have a good reason? All rituals, rites, and traditions in the world were invented at some point or other. They don't exist innately. In this case, they don't exist as a kind of integrated mystical guidebook for the slayer. Once you recognize this it should be obvious what the intent of the council is, whatever they claim they are doing. The slayer is becoming an adult, that adult will be harder to control once she asserts more agency. The council instituted a test that conveniently tends to kill the adult slayer. A new younger slayer is called, one that the council can more easily control. That is why the test exists. So it is silly to argue for the other side as if they were acting from a place of benevolence. The slayer stands to lose her life in order to attempt to fight evil on the premise that she does not have her powers? That is the upshot? Forget what world or context or mystical aspect you believe this test stems from: is that a rational plan? Please don't get offended at my frank opinion, but the issue was not just a metaphor for patriarchy it was a human issue on control and agency.


I love Xander in this episode, it is one of my all time favorites. You are completely right, a lot of shows have not done what Buffy does which is really to balance high stakes drama worthy of a soap with witty, snarky, and punny humor. It's pretty unique in that sense. Did you know that Buffy is studied in colleges and academia? Crazy right? But it does show that this show is pretty unique. I loved your reactions to Xander and Faith and then the fight scene. Don't worry about missing some cool fight scenes this is Buffy, there is always a cool fight scene coming up. I am completely with you about your thoughts on Bangel, there is nothing wrong about shipping it, but it is always nice to know that someone agrees with you. That is why we fight so hard to get you to share our opinions (See rambling rant above).


LOVED THIS!!! THANKS SO MUCH!!! Really good episode. One of my faves. I love the weird, out-of-place episodes! It just shakes things up, but in a good way. :)

Allan Cornett

The episode is all about making fun of all the DRAMA. It's in my top 10.


I really want to see your reaction to this one but it keeps stopping around 14 mins in 😐 says it's not suitable for my device 🙄 All your other reactions are fine.. always does it to the episode you really want to see 😂


this episode is suppose to be over the top. it's like the show poking fun at itself. it's quite clever.