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So happy you’re back. You do look tired but you sound better than the last time you posted. I really appreciate your dedication and work ethic but don’t put so much pressure on yourself. I really, really don’t think you should try to catch up - just pick up where you left off. It’s all good.

Amy Rustand

I enjoyed this episode for the little things almost more than the plot: seeing badass Dean open his beer bottle with his ring; how well both Jared and Jensen pulled off the subtle comedy bits; Dean finally turning the corner on admitting he didn't want to die/go to Hell; Sam seeing Dean dream about a normal life with Lisa and Ben; learning a bit of Bobby's backstory. The plot closely tracked a movie from the 80s starring Dennis Quaid, "Dreamscape". You should check it out sometime to catch all the similarities.

Brenda Lewis

In the first part Sam and Dean woke up because Bobby woke up and it was his dream. As far as the dream stuff is concerned, I think they didn't go into Jeremy too full because this was to set up Dean and his dream. That was the real focus Dean and his inner thoughts.

Sarah Trow

This was a good episode but I'm excited for the next one....its my favorite of the season and one of my favorites of the whole show.😁


What Sarah Trow said. The next episode is my favorite of the whole series, so please get comfortable and give it your full attention—it’s worth it! Happy you’re back! What happened with your tooth?