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Nyssa Rawther 🍉

I'm giving this a 10 because, unless I'm forgetting an episode, I think this is the best episode of DW so far in all 3 seasons. David Tennant was INCREDIBLE and I even loved how the story of the kids played out. It made me tear up when they survived and to see that little boy as an old man. They played on a real war with boys having to fight and that they cried when they were shooting scarecrows and were so scared that they'd become killers...man, oh man. This episode is wonderful.

Nyssa Rawther 🍉

I will say though that I wasn't a fan of John Smith's love interest. Usually when there's a period piece and we're seeing a love story, the love interest will be "different" than other people around them. She was as classist and as racist as the lot of them. And yeah she helped the Doctor in the end but...I wish I could have fallen for her too. It's a bit more realistic cuz no one in that time period would have thought any different about someone with darker skin or their servants, so I get it, but still...Her BEST moment was at the ending when she asked the Doctor if anyone would have died if he hadn't chosen to drop in on a whim. That was SO impactful.


You and your family have been on my mind. I hope everything is going well.

Vicky N

Best episode so far with this season. One of the best of the entire show for me. David Tennant really shines here. Yes they are talking about World War I. I like the symbolism of children fighting straw men. I like Martha too, she is smart and resourceful. The only thing that bothers me is her crush for the doctor.

Linda Sanchez

The kid was always psychic. They have had them on the show before in "The Unquiet Dead" ( the one from season 1 with Charles Dickens).

Linda Sanchez

Also, I have always liked the guy who played Banes, he had really creeped me out, so when I found out he was Viserys Targaryen I was surprised I didn't recognize him. It literally took years before I knew.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Yes... absolute brilliant acting from David Tennant, and these two part episodes are easily among my favorites from season three. :) Fabulous!!


I adore Martha, she's smart, resourceful, strong...I think a lot of people dislike that she has feelings for the Doctor and that puts them off of her even though it's a very human thing to fall for someone they can't seem to forgive her for it. I think those who fell hard themselves (Ironically still lacking the empathy for Martha somehow) for the idea of the Doctor and Rose being together, tend to be those who dislike Martha the most, though I could be wrong this is just what I've observed with some people. But yes, great episode!


Nobody was trying to spoil you about a war, by the way. The two parter is talking about WW1, which happened like 1914-1918.


Personally Martha is my favorite companion from the Tennant era. She has a good character arc, but you're right about her jealousy being a bit annoying. I feel like it makes sense for her character at this point, and the Doctor did kiss her in episode 1, but her jealousy can be offputting. A lot of Rose fans don't like her bc she replaces Rose, but I think they have two completely different relationships with the Doctor and both have good character arcs. The ending to this episode is one of my favorites, the Doctors disposal of the family is absolutely brutal and cruel


While she isn't my personal favorite of Ten's companions, I also absolutely adore Martha. I unfortunately do think the writing did her wrong a fair amount of time, though. At least in these early episodes, she doesn't get to shine so much as even being treated by the Doctor himself as a kind of rebound companion. I don't totally hate it, because Ten's in such a weird place right after losing Rose so it's realistic for him to behave that way, but it still sucks a bit. I actually didn't start to genuinely appreciate her until a bit later even than this, so I won't go into detail because spoilers. I will say that by the end of s3 she made my top ten list out of EVERY doctor's companions, though. I don't think that's too spoilery to say.


Totally agree. The end of s3 is what really secured Martha as a fave


I dont want to look it up to avoid spoilers on the character but is Martha played by the same actress that was in episode 12 of season 2?

DJ Doena

No spoilers incoming, just actor-related info: Yes she is. In her introductory episode she even mentions she had a cousin who died at Canary Wharf. It's also a sort-of recurring occurrence on DW. Next season you will have an episode ("The Fires of Pompeii") featuring Karen Gillan (now more famous for her role in the "Guardians of the Galaxy" movies as Nebula) AND Peter Capaldi. Both will go on to have bigger and unrelated roles in the Whoniverse. It's just a fact of life when you have a smaller actor/actress base such as in the UK versus the US.

Dani C

I think the idea is that the boy has some mild psychic ability - something we've seen before in the show - and that's why he was drawn to the watch (like it picked up on his psychic ability and was able to call to him) - and once the watch was in his possession his slight psychic ability combined with the watch allowed him to see something more distinct and important: the moment he would come face to face with death on the battlefield

Dani C

Cool reaction - glad you enjoyed it. Quick correction though - it wasn't a funeral service, it was a Remembrance Day service (or Remembrance Sunday, not sure which)

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Thank you so much for your reaction! By the way... Harry Lloyd is in a number of movies, including The Imitation Game with Benedict Cumberbatch, as well as another of my favorite BBC shows titled, Robin Hood. If you enjoyed him in this, you should watch some of his other works. He is a talented actor.

Melinda Barr

The actors that play Tim and 'Son of Mine' both end up in Game of Thrones....and yes, this is David Tennant's best acting in his entire run as the Doctor, IMHO.


I gotta ask at this point because it's been a few reactions now where you look at your phone for over a minute, why don't you pause for a bit in those moments to handle the phone business, it's easy for us to skip past and go back to where you're watching and we've seen the show, we're watching for your reaction. There was one OUAT video where no lie a span of 2 minutes you looked at the screen like 20 seconds...


Please be careful when reading "The Godless Monks" comments, he has placed several spoilers in his response, one immediately after you asked for zero spoilers, he may not know what constitutes a spoiler, so you may need to remind them again.


I am not trying to be mean, but isn't it the job of the television show to hold his interest? Him being able to ignore a show for 2 mins would seem to be the show's fault


It's a decent episode, I think it depends on how you feel about what has been built thus far. This season is an ode to the fan of the original run of Doctor Who and for those who fall in that category they will be very pleased with moments like this, for the newbies it will be more hit or miss. I like series 3, I like every season, but season 3 was not structured or played out very well thus far........there are still valleys in their story telling ability.

DJ Doena

Spoiler (media): a comment which discloses plot details of a book, play, video game, film, or other narrative content Martha's relationship to the character played by the same actress was explained in a past episode Geeked has already seen. Explaining to him that actors from future episodes will take on multiple roles also does not reveal any plot details it just deals with the reality of movie making.


I will give my take on spoilers. Most of the people come here to watch a new reactor watch a show that they enjoy. Some people watch the show for the first time with the reactor. The Reactor puts up episode 4 of Season 3, that should be the end of the discussion point in his comment section. People don't come here for your opinion on his show, they have their own opinions......that is not what is being debated.....if you talk about what happens in episode 6 of season 9, that is a spoiler.......you did know at the time you watched episode 4 of season 3 and the only reason you know is because you have already watched the show.......that makes it a spoiler. If you want to do this go to YouTube and do it, but I personally like the interaction between this comment section and the Reactor and you making it about your need to share future information is in my mind a selfish motive, driven by "your personal" needs. People did not come here for the "YOU" we came here for the show and the Reaction to the show. You are always allowed your opinion but giving out future knowledge is not your job. This is "My" opinion, you are allowed your opinion, but it will not affect/effect my opinion and if you spoil I will call it out and you may do with the information what you please.

Melinda Barr

This is one of the best two-parters in Tennant's run. It is a character study that examines the concept of identity. The Doctor's identity as a Time Lord but, more interestingly, how the Doctor sees human beings which manifests itself in John Smith's identity. We also got to see some of the darkest parts of the Doctor and some of his character flaws. I, quite frankly, was unprepared the first time I saw the episode. Martha's growth in areas like seeing past the Doctor's initial shine and being the leader, gives her character additional depth and further speaks to her character growth. Love herI

Valencia Lanier

It took me a minute to realize that Harry Lloyd plays Viserys in Game of Thrones.