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It's all good man. Take care of your stuff. If you need some time, we understand. It's cool of you to still be doing reactions, but don't push yourself.

Mark Wood

Please don’t worry about us at all. Your personal life should always always come first. I am sure that everyone who follows you understands that. That your trying to record at all is way more than I would expect from you. Take care.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Please don't feel like you have to keep apologizing for being unable to do all that you hope to do. I promise you, I understand. I am so sorry that you're struggling with something that's come up in your life and I wish you and those affected by what's happening all the best, and that everything gets better for you all. It's amazing that you went out to buy all of this new stuff just for us when you didn't have to. This is part of what makes you such a fabulous reactor. I just wish you didn't feel this need to do so much for us, when you more than deserve time away from reactions to deal with things and to take a break for fun and relaxation, etc... Please... do whatever you feel you can do without pressuring yourself so much for us. I look forward to more Once Upon a Time, Person of Interest, and Pushing Daisies of course, but your own health and sanity comes first, as it should. Everyone should understand that. I do. Thank you! I wish you well. Sincerely, Heidi


OMG. You really are allowed to have a life beyond recording. I think taking care of what you need to take care of is more important than worrying about producing videos right now. Sounds like you have more important things to worry about. Take care of your life and don't worry about us. We'll be totally fine! I still would support you. You have been great about keeping us informed of changes in schedule, and that's really great. You bought a new PC just so you could record?! Speaking for myself, you didn't need to. But I understand that you're worried about your Patrons. Please feel okay with taking care of what's going on in your life first. I don't want you feeling stressed about this. Take care!!

Ceara Abrahamsz

Truly, wishing you the best. Haven’t been a Patreon of yours for long, but one thing I have gathered from you is that you work way too hard. I, for one, completely trust you to always get done what you need to and what you’ll say you’ll get done. I just hope you take time off when you need to, and to remember to put yourself first and to take breaks when needed every once in a while! I would hate for you to get burnt out trying to please us all. Sending all the love and positivity through this probably difficult time. ❤️❤️


Take as much time as you need & don’t worry about getting reactions up. Wishing you the best & sending positive thoughts!


Yeah, bud, I will just reiterate what the others have said. No apology necessary, we completely understand! Your personal life should always come first! Here's to hoping things get better for you and yours soon!

Janet Daurity

Goodness gracious! Bless your heart! Don't know what it is but can only imagine. You'll get to it when you get to it. Just wanted to say you didn't mention Dexter and its been 32 days since the last one. I realize it is low on the totem pole so I guess it will be a while. :( Get yourself settled out, that is the most important thing, just don't forget us please.

Vicky N

😯 that’s dedication! Take your time with your personal stuff and don’t worry about us. We will be there whenever you’re ready.


What everyone else said. I will definitely miss you but if you need to take some personal time it is absolutely OK with me. Like I said before, if you’re looking at this like a job (even a job you really enjoy), you deserve days off and leave days. Shit happens. I love your dedication and I thoroughly enjoy your content but I definitely care for you more and that you take care of yourself and your family. Definitely, If you need an excuse for a break while you’re there, film away. Otherwise we will see you when you get back. Although your little recording studio there is adorable. You sitting in a closet makes me smile. Sending positive thoughts your way.


I’m sorry that you’re going through a hard time, I really do hope you’ll be able to get through it. Take care and make sure you’re alright first and foremost. Don’t worry if you can’t get as many reactions up as you’d like, it’s understandable, sometimes life just gets in the way.

Renee Pope-Munro

I hope you’re okay, my dude. Family first.

Jonathan Foreman

I hope you get everything sorted out man. Don't push yourself too hard. If you need time, then take it, if you've seen anything from these comments I hope it's that we understand that things happen and that you gotta do what you gotta do. Even now you're still going above and beyond, and we appreciate your hard work. 👍🏻

DJ Doena

While it's nice that you worry about us, personal matters must come first. Take care of it and we'll be here whenever you'll be back!

Dani C

What the others have said man - take the time you need - we'll be here when you get back. If doing reactions while you are over there is something that you want to do and gives you something to take your mind off whatever it is you are dealing with, that's great - we'll watch - but if you find you can't, or don't feel up to it, we;'ll wait.

Toasted Toad

Wow. I love your dedication and how far you are prepared to go out of your way but *please*, if you need to take a week and a half off, do so. Just so long as you keep us informed what's happening (i.e. that something is keeping you from filming for a couple of weeks), people are going to be good with it. I can't believe you even went out and purchased new equipment! By all means film if you want to (ie if it's going to be giving you a break), but otherwise, just wait until you come back.


Oh, no...I hope everything is OK. Don’t worry about us. We will still be here when you get back. If you need to take time off to spend it with your family we totally understand. It’s very important to take care of yourself first. I Will keep you and your family in my prayers. 🙏


Please don’t feel the need to apologize. Life happens, and we’re all grown ups who understand (or at least we should). I’m just relieved you’re okay. I was starting to get concerned that something had happened to you.

Nicole Garver

Just take care of yourself and your family. Thanks for being so dedicated to your community, but we’d understand personal issues. BTW love the gerry-rigging you’re describing - microphone stand and pc on a dresser. Sending virtual hugs and actual prayers yall’s way. Again, take care of yourself. ♥️

Brenda Lewis

All the efforts your are going through are so appreciated, but family come first and if you need to attend to that I'm sure we all understand. I love your channel, you're a great person. We support you!

Amy Rustand

You're literally wearing a Never Apologize shirt while apologizing to us 🤣 But seriously, I'll keep your situation in my prayer intentions at Mass.


I’ve been a Patreon long enough to know how dedicated you are to all of us! But Please take all of the time you need and don’t worry about us. Your personal life comes first and we all understand that. I hope everything gets better!

Stephanie Bedworth

Hey, we appreciate all the entertainment you've given us and it's completely understandable if you need to take some time for yourself and family. We'll be here, regardless. Whatever is happening I hope it goes as smoothly as possible.

Katherine Thoreson

I’m sorry this unexpected occurrence has popped up. I wish you and all involved peace...sending positive thoughts to you and yours. This is really above and beyond for us, your patrons. While I so appreciate your dedication, as others have said, don’t feel the need to push yourself to a breaking point. Take the time you need. We’ll still be here.


I completely agree with everyone else. We know you work hard and life happens. Do what you feel up to, even if that ends up not being much or anything. God bless you and your family as you go through this tough time.


Every job allows for personal days. Take some. We don't expect you to work during emergency situations. We understand. Go and be with your family.


The sound on this recording sounds really good... Thanks for letting us know the basic situation -- I agree with everyone that if you just need time off we'll all understand -- but I also get it if you'd rather keep recording than not. And sometimes it's good to have some work to do. Wishing you best possible outcomes, and peace to you.

NaTasha Norris

Yes to all of this. 👆🏼