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I think because Emma was starting to believe so when she touched the book she got some memories back. I’m still not a fan of how they did that. The episode was good, but I think it could have been a lot better. I hope August can come back now that the curse is broken. It has happened with Pinocchio before. It’s interesting that Magic is coming here and how dynamics may change with the characters we have come to know.


Don’t worry this episode certainly isn’t perfect. A lot of the characters in this show make a lot of dumb decisions, except Rumple. He’s playing 5D chess while the rest of them are running around chasing their own tails. Honestly, I didn’t mind how Emma remembered. I didn’t see it as the book making her remember to me it was just a symbol, I mean she didn’t believe instantly she still had her questions and doubts but if it was the only way to save Henry she was going to give it her all. Maybe I just accepted it because I was so bored of and annoyed by Emma not believing that I didn’t care how it happened. I loved the scene with Emma and Henry in the Hospital, how they subverted the “True loves kiss” to be a mother and son, it still gives me chills.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I promise you, I'm not mad at you. You're good. We all have our own opinions and points of view. I am always interested in yours, even if I might not always agree. :)

Amanda Logsdon

I personally watch this show for rumplestiltskin and regina and basically all the bad guys/morally ambiguous characters they do their jobs so well. I liked this episode mainly for the set up for the second season.

Ceara Abrahamsz

I really hope you react to season 2 and hopefully the rest of the series! This show grows so much, there is just so much more to it, you don’t even know. It would be such a shame if it ended here. We’ll see how the voting ends up, I’m so nervous! 😬😅🙏🙏❤️ Also personally, I actually really love Emma, I think she has so much room to grow and evolve. She is obviously not perfect, and the show obviously doesn’t intend for her to be, which is why I love her character. The potential in her is very intriguing and exciting. I think how Emma finds out the curse is real, was kind of on point. Like, how August says that she is “so far in denial, you don’t WANT to see it, of what’s right in front of you, of what’s really going on.” I think finally seeing some sort of proof opened her eyes to magic actually being real, the fact that Henry was gravely sick (with no scientific explanation) gave her character no more excuses as to what’s going on right in front of her, to finally accept that everything Henry said was right. It wasn’t a simple, ‘Oh, Emma touches the book, see’s visions, and suddenly believes, okay.’ I think the visions were her just finally accepting the truth. I actually thought the first time I was watching it, that they dragged Emma not knowing/believing for WAY too long. But re-watching, I think the way they did it was actually perfect, they literally took the whole season for her to find out the truth. Which is appropriate for who Emma is as a character, someone who is a pure realist. But again, these are just my opinions and thoughts on this episode and show as a whole. Also, I don’t mind your opinion on the episode, to each their own! They are just someone’s opinions, like mine, and everyone else’s, it’s just an opinion. At the end of the day it’s all about respect! I wouldn’t be here, supporting you and what you do if I didn’t want to hear your thoughts and opinions! Even if I don’t agree, That’s what makes reactions fun and entertaining. You get to hear others thoughts and reasonings! 👍🙌 Like your love of Gold/Rumple! The first time I watched OUAT, at first, I thought he and his storyline was boring. I was only interested in literally any other character but his. Didn’t realize until your reactions to him, and pointing it out, that he is actually a phenomenal actor! Your excitement and joy of watching him made me, watching him in return, that much more exciting and actually enjoyable! You know the saying, “I didn’t ask for your opinion.” I am literally giving you my money to see your reaction and hear your thoughts and opinions! Lol! So don’t be worried about us not ‘liking’ or being angry with your opinions. Well, not me, at least! Your actually very respectful about things you dislike, like, If you were one of those obnoxious people (was going to use a certain, not so polite term, but will refrain,lol) that think that their opinions are fact, and that anyone else who thinks differently, is wrong, I wouldn’t be here, on Patreon, wanting to help support one of my favorite channels! ❤️❤️ P.S: Sorry this was SO very long! I apologize!

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Wow... so I absolutely love this episode. It isn't my favorite episode of the season either, and it isn't my favorite of the two part season finales either, but this episode along with An Apple Red As Blood, is most definitely among some of my favorites. And I promise you that it's okay that this episode wasn't one of yours. I can't say I have an absolute favorite episode overall throughout this season, but my favorites from season one are: Pilot, Snow Falls, That Still Small Voice, Red-Handed, Heart of Darkness, The Stranger, An Apple Red As Blood, and A Land Without Magic. As for those I feel are my favorite characters introduced to us in season one... I love Emma, Rumplestiltskin/Mr. Gold, Snow/Mary Margaret, Prince Charming, Regina/the Evil Queen, Archie/Jiminy Cricket, August W. Booth/Pinocchio, Belle, the Blue Fairy, and Graham/the Huntsman. While I love most of the other characters introduced as well, these characters all stand out to me above the rest in this season, and I love them. As for your thoughts about how Emma came to remember everything and to believe in magic... while it might seem strange to you, and I promise it's okay that you feel this way, you might have to understand Emma's character more to understand why this was the point and how she was able to finally believe. And you will come to know Emma so much more throughout the seasons to come. I can't wait! But for now... Emma didn't believe Henry about the curse from the beginning, because as she states in the Pilot and in The Thing You Love Most, no sane person would believe in such fairytales. It's impossible to fathom because to us in our world, fairytales are only fictional stories we were told as children. And after all the pain Emma has been through in her life, especially after never being adopted and believing her whole life that everyone who should have loved her, or who should have cared for her, all abandoned her, she didn't have any hope, or the will to believe in something as wonderful and as crazy as her family and loved ones coming from a book filled with fairytales. On top of all that, even after all the unusual things proved that there was more about these people she has come to care about and even fear, that there was something more to Storybrooke than she could possibly believe, she had come to love Henry so much that all she wanted was to protect him, and take him away from the craziness. Especially when August revealed to her the truth in The Stranger. She couldn't see the true magic right in front of her because she didn't want to believe. She didn't want anyone but Henry to need her to save them. Now... with all of this being said... yes, Emma has touched the book before this episode. On multiple occasions too. But because she didn't believe, and didn't want to believe, nothing happened. However, because when Henry ate the poisoned apple turnover that Regina made for Emma, Whale kept tearing down any possible idea Emma could come up with to explain how and why he collapsed. And Emma became so desperate to find a way to save him, in the moment she touched the book, a part of herself opened up to the possibility to believe that magic was real like Henry kept pleading with her to believe. This is why memories from her birth and of magic, and of her parents truly being Snow White and Prince Charming, all suddenly came flooding into her mind. And honestly.. for me I absolutely love how this came to pass. It's quite a powerful moment for Emma and one of the most powerful moments throughout the season, because Emma has finally become the Savior she was destined to become. I love it. And then... the moment Emma comes to believe, Regina comes running into the room. And because she now believes, even if she's struggling to accept what she now believes in, Emma realizes that what Henry has been saying about Regina being the Evil Queen is true and she immediately grabs hold of Regina and pulls her into the supply closet in anger, and demands to know the truth about what she's done to Henry, knowing that the poison apple was actually meant for her and never for him. I really love this moment too. And while we see throughout the season that Regina does truly love Henry, this is really the first time we see the real emotion in her eyes behind the truth. In the past... we've seen Regina be willing to hurt Henry emotionally, like we see back in the second episode, The Thing You Love Most when she makes sure that Emma comes to her office to talk and to let slip that Henry's crazy for believing in such nonsense right in front of him. But I do love this scene between Emma and Regina as they fight upon Emma seeing the truth. I also love how Regina states that while the magic of the poisoned apple works as it does in the magical world, here in a land without magic, it is unpredictable. In regards to how the poisoned apple works on Henry, at least as far as how I see it to be... I believe it does to him just as the poisoned apple does to Snow White shown in An Apple Red As Blood. It puts Henry into a death like sleep, which because no one else remembers their true lives, everyone believes Henry has died. And when Henry coded, he really was slowly dying because they aren't in a land with magic. Therefore, the poison had begun to kill him... just more slowly than what normal poison would, rather than simply keeping him in his death like sleep forever, as it would have done to Snow had Charming not given her True Love's Kiss too. It would have only been a matter of time before death took Henry, were it not for Emma giving Henry True Love's Kiss. And as for why Regina didn't also give Henry True Love's Kiss to save him, even though she did truly love him... Emma is the one destined to break the curse. To be the Savior. Plus... while Henry does love Regina even if it wasn't so apparent most of the time, whether it's due to Jared Gilmore's acting skills, or simply that his character doesn't want to show it because he knows that Regina is the Evil Queen and is angry with her for being so cruel and wanting to kill all those he loves, True Love's Kiss only works if the love from both people is equal and truly believed. And a lot of the time, Henry didn't believe that Regina really did love him. And who really would, especially a child, after everything Regina has done?. Not just to him, but to everyone else too? But with all the technical aspects from this episode that you seemed to dislike aside... and forgive me for rambling on... I also love the overall backstory with Charming being saved from the Evil Queen's knights by Graham... who I was thrilled to see they were able to get back for an appearance in this episode despite his busy filming schedule, and Charming's fight against Rumplestiltskin in the Infinite Forest... which I had stated before that it appeared once already back in True North when Regina cast Hansel and Gretel and their father into. And I love that we learn more about why Rumple wants to see Snow White and Prince Charming come together. We know from the previous episode, The Return, that Rumple helped Regina to cast the dark curse so that it could bring them all to A Land Without Magic, so that he could one day find his son. However, so long as the curse is over them, Rumple is unable to leave Storybrooke to find his son, so he also needed a Savior to one day come to town so she could break the curse. And because Snow White and Prince Charming are True Love's, he knew one day their unborn child would be the one destined to become the Savior, and that no one else could do so except for her. This is why Rumple was so desperate to know Emma's name and everything he could about her before she was ever born. Because him remembering the truth so he could guide Emma throughout the season to where he needed her to be, his life, and getting back to his son, all depended solely on her. Rumple orchestrated everything so that Emma would arrive to this point and time, as he needed her to. Very wise, that Rumpelstiltskin. And I absolutely love his character for everything about him. He is an amazing character and most definitely one of the best. And now... aside from the scenes where Emma breaks the curse with True Love's Kiss and she saves Henry, and Emma earlier coming to believe, one more of my favorite moments in this episode is the scene between Emma and August. I agree with you that this is most definitely one of the most heart wrenching moments throughout this episode. It's just so sad, seeing August lying there as he's slowly dying upon turning back into wood. But I also love how August at least sees right away that Emma finally does believe because she can see the wood he's becoming. While Emma isn't in time to save him from turning back into a puppet made of wood, who is no longer alive because they are in a Land Without Magic... I love that Emma promises him that she will try to help him and everyone else. And now that magic is being brought to Storybrooke... maybe there's hope for August yet. :) I also really love the dragon fight with Emma and Maleficent in her dragon form, and I love how it parallels perfectly with Charming's fight against her in the past storyline. I agree with you in that it is an odd choice for Rumpelstiltskin to have Charming hide the True Love's potion inside the literal belly of the beast. However, for me I think it's brilliant upon seeing how the scenes with Emma and Charming fighting Maleficent play out. I enjoy them a lot. And I love Emma's facial expressions while she's fighting the dragon too. She's shocked and terrified, seeing as she only came to believe in magic minutes earlier. And I love how Emma at last kills Maleficent in her dragon form by throwing her father's sword directly at her chest as she's about to breathe fire. This is a nod to Disney's, Sleeping Beauty, as we see Prince Phillip in the movie kill Maleficent in her dragon form by throwing his enchanted sword into her chest. Beautifully done. As like you've seen with Graham coming back in this episode despite him being dead in the present day... this doesn't necessarily mean we've seen the last of Maleficent either. She's one of my favorite villains from the Disney movies, so I knew how you felt upon seeing her get killed like this. Next... I love seeing the curse become broken, and seeing everyone suddenly remember who they truly are, especially when we see Snow and Charming come together in the end upon finding one another again as their true selves. And that kiss they share... absolutely beautiful. As for the flashback scene we see of Snow and Charming sharing their first True Love's Kiss back in the Pilot... I love the nod back to the Pilot and seeing this scene again as a way to remind us of how True Love's Kiss is the most powerful magic of all as Rumplestiltskin and Mr. Gold says more than once in this episode, to both Charming and to Emma. I also love the expansion from this beautiful, where Charming proposes to Snow and gives her his mother's ring, then they state that they plan to take back their kingdom and to bring down the Evil Queen and King George, as they will do everything from that point onward... together. Beautiful!!! And lastly... I love how while everyone is busy in the hospital with trying to save Henry, that Jefferson slips through them and sneaks down into the psych ward to free Belle, and that he tells her to find Gold so she can tell him that Regina was the one responsible for Rumple believing she was dead all these years. Nothing did come of this right away, but this isn't the end of this storyline. I like that Jefferson is unable to kill Regina himself for her constant betrayals, but I love how he was smart enough to know how to find someone who will be more than happy to see to Regina's death for him, as wrong as it is. It's a brilliant set up for what's to come. As is Rumple going to the well that yes... August explained about to Emma back in What Happened to Frederick... that it's connected to Lake Nostos where the siren attacked Charming, and that Gold uses the magic from the well's waters below, as well as the True Love potion he made from Snow's and Charming's hairs, to bring magic to Storybrooke. Because magic is power, even if all magic does come with a price. What an amazing set up for season two and I cannot wait for you to continue watching!!! Overall... such a beautiful and fantastic finale. And I am so grateful to you for continuing to watch this show for me, especially as often as you're doing. Truly. So, thank you again! Until season two... Sincerely, Heidi


Omg I completely agree with you! As a long time fan of the show I can say that, a good chunk of the things that happen aren’t really explained. Sometimes you literally have to take it for what it is, even if it doesn’t make sense (which isn’t ideal but, that’s just how it is with this show sometimes). I also have never liked how Henry treated Regina either and people like to fight me on it because “she’s evil” but I don’t care lol. She was a good mother to him other than putting him in therapy. Not to say that she wasn’t a horrible person and didn't do horrible things, but she is a fantastic character in my opinion and I think Lana and Robert are the best actors on the show. I stan Regina! Anyways, I love your reactions and I’m glad you’re not afraid to have your own opinion. Please don’t let people bully you into thinking that you can’t. I hope you keep reacting to this show!


Yeah I know this is way later than everyone else and you are way past this now but I just wanted to agree that it wasn't just Emma touching the book and getting the visions. She finally broke down her wall a bit and believed it could be magic so when she touched the book this time it triggered it then because of her belief not because she just touched the book and it happened. There is a big difference.