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Dani C

Oooooh. I've been waiting for this one.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I love this episode, and seeing a side of the Doctor where he's human without his memories of who he really is. Brilliant. And yes... scarecrows are absolutely terrifying, especially in this episode. Bravo to David Tennant for his performance!

Ari is my Cat

Love this episode, both of the 2 parts. Very few people notice the Viserys Targaryen actor playing Baines. He looks so different with short dark hair. I think most people get the Jojen Reed actor.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I don't watch Game of Thrones because I have no interest, but I do know that the actor who plays Baines... Harry Lloyd, is in it. I know him more for his role in the BBC series Robin Hood, as Will Scarlet. Harry Lloyd is also in a number of movies I've seen too. He's a really good actor.


Ngl the middle of season 3 from daleks to sun monster is difficult to get through but yeahhhh back to the good stuff 😎

Dani C

I like this episode a lot. based on a really good 7th Doctor novel.

Toasted Toad

Brilliant episode, this one. Of course, you can't assess it properly unless you watch together with part 2. It's like reviewing a film when you switch it off half way through. I hate the Martha unrequited love plot. I think it ruined her as a character, especially after Rose who the Doctor had loved in return. I wish it had been just admiration.

Vicky N

Great episode. Hard to judge without the second part, though.

Vicky N

You really need to start watching TORCHWOOD!!

DJ Doena

Fun fact that doesn't spoil anything: Doctor Who and Torchwood are anagrams.

Melinda Barr

The first part of one of my favorite two-parters.


I just love this episode, the allusions to WW1, the whole setting in 1913 and the love story, very bittersweet and well done.


I rounded up and gave it a really good episode score, there are some strong parts but all the connection pieces are vague (even for the first part of a two parter in my opinion). I think it is well below seasons 1 "The Empty Child" and "The Doctor Dances" two parter but it is, but close to the season 2 finale 2 parter.....so the upswing is in full effect.