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How in the world can you fake a reaction? I have to say, I'm currently watching four Buffy reactions and three OUAT reactions, and one of the reasons I watch so many different reactors is to see the different takes on my favorite shows. One of the things I love about your reactions is seeing your take on so many of the shows I love so much (I watch your Buffy, OUAT, and The Office, as well as the BSG episodes (that I hope you're eventually able to continue)). You have put forward some viewpoints that I never thought about and, although I don't always agree with your assessments, I respect your reactions.

Brenda Lewis

I love your reactions, I am a HUGE fan of Supernatural and The Office reactions and on occasion have watched Scrubs (although I haven't watched it myself). Keep doing what your doing. It's a lot of fun for me, and many evening I prefer to watch you and my other reactors to watching TV. I'm a big fan of what you do!


some people would do fake laughs, or other fake emotions even though they already watched it. It happens with certain YouTubers. I love his reactions and haven't got those type of vibes from him.


Yeah the fake reactions comments thing is a weird one, wouldn't give much thought to that to be honest. You will run into comments like that all the time anyway, no matter what you do, even if it is the least known show in the world you can bet atleast one person will claim it's a fake reaction. And even if it would be a "fake" reaction, so what? If you enjoy the reaction does it really matter? And if you don't enjoy it, well then simply move on is what I would suggest. Just continue to do things like you did before, I personally (and I think that goes for most patreons asell or we wouldn't be here ^^) really enjoy watching your reactions and just as much to hear your thoughts about the episodes on top of the reaction.


You are in the midst of why the fandom is the way it is, please remember to enjoy this ride, I am so jealous of where you are right now.


"Hug it out Bitch", not from "Varsity Blues" it was from that show that did not age well "Entourage"


i LOVE the irony of the rant bringing up gilmore girls as not a hugely popular show yet that's why i;m here LOL so glad you did gilmore girls so i found you steven lol