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I wish you would add more The Office reactions :(


It’s funny how you’re cheering for Aaron beating up her boyfriend. I think he was well within his rights, but took it way too far. The belt and everything else was unnecessary. I really like all the plot lines this episode.

Paul Gibson

I have to disagree about Aaron, no way did he redeem himself, watch it again, when he beats him all he can talk about is how dare you beat my daughter, its all about him. He sees his kids as possessions not people.

Paul Gibson

The guy deserved a beating I just don't like Aaron's motives

Alexis Cardarella

Ah, one of my favorites! And season four hasn’t started just yet. It’s comes out the 26th in the US

Alexis Cardarella

I gave it a 9 because of the Logan and Veronica moments 😁

Rhonda Stewart

I cannot wait until he finds out the..... You know what.


I always found Keith’s dislike of Veronica hanging with Weevil fairly appropriate for a father seeing his 17 year old daughter hanging out with a known leader of a motorcycle gang. Weevil just didn’t do bad things in the past... he’s currently the head of a drug dealing gang... Keith was the sheriff. He knows all about what Weevil gets up too - he has arrested him many times. I feel most parents would prefer their kids avoid hanging out with criminals. Don’t get me wrong - I love Weevil... but he’s not trying to better himself or stop dealing drugs etc. He chooses to stay a criminal. I do love how Weevil still refers to Keith as “Sheriff” though, shows that he did (and still does) respect him as the Sheriff.

Renee Pope-Munro

Ew. Beating people up, viciously, even when they’re scumbags, is NOT redeeming. It’s terrifying.

Ari is my Cat

Dude deserved the beating but nothing redeems an abuser.

Ari is my Cat

Time of death was thought to be afternoon 1PM or so but we find out the time of death was 3 hours off. By the time the Kane's were questioned it was dark out. It's implied they used ice to alter the perceived time of death which means they found her body hours before calling it in and then pretended they found the body later. So you are remembering they were being questioned at night but the time of death was probably around 4pm.


Yeah listen, you can enjoy an asshole beating up another asshole. That doesn't mean that you absolve the one asshole of his sins, or that you forget that he is an asshole. That guy deserved a beating and i enjoyed watching Aaron beat the shit out of him. That doesn't mean i suddenly consider Aaron being a decent person. I would also enjoy seeing Aaron get his ass beat. Anyway... good reaction. 3 more to go for the season finale...


"Season 4 has just started on this show..." WAIT WHAT? *checks imDB* phew, not until next Friday. Nearly had a heart attack there


Aaron is super creepy from the moment he offers a taste of steak on the tip of that huge knife. Pairing "That's Amore" seemed like a Sopranos or Tarantino juxtaposition of violence and fun music. His story about his father is classic cycles of violence stuff, and the way he greets Logan and Veronica with a sunny, "Hey son, how was your day?" is super disturbing. As others pointed out, Aaron's fury was about how dare you beat MY daughter. Everything is about Aaron and his image and his possessions, which include his children. If Aaron used the word "legacy," he would basically be Tywin Lannister.