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I honestly feel like you’re reacting to too many shows at once. I’ve been watching psych and I upgraded for the office and person of interest but since you are doing so many shows it wasn’t worth the $10 a month. I know you are trying to appeal to many at once but I feel like if you start a series it should be more consistently done and not usurped by a ton of new shows. I do like your reactions though. Just my two cents.


Well thanks for the input. I put up an Episode of the Office yesterday, Psych and Person of Interest were supposed to go up yesterday but ran into tech audio issues that I had to take care of. Both those shows are going up tomorrow. I appreciate the support but if the only show you watch at the $10 tier is Person of Interest the episodes will come to $5 tier eventually.


Thanks. I’m totally not trying to be a downer. It just seems like you do so many at once. I know you can’t please everyone though :)


You are not being a downer. You have the right to voice concerns or complaints. I'm not against them as long as they are not disrespectful.


Also...I will totally pay $10 for POI, just need lots to justify it to my hubby haha!


Now as for the way I do shows I guess I do the channel the way I watched TV in my person life. I would watch 3-4 shows a day. I have always been that way. I cant just watch 1 show at a time. So I watch a lot. But in my defense Psych and Person of Interest were supposed to go up on the 13th and becuase of the audio issues I had with two shows It pushed them back a day. I'm sorry. Maybe I should put a message on my banner and page stating stuff may be late from time to time.


Yea I have been adding more shows to make the $10 price point worth it. Sorry I currently only have one show at that tier that you watch.


I get it :)


Yeah A LOT happened in the episode, but I loved it😍 I don't know, considering the other comments I don't want to overwhelm you, but it would be awesome for you to continue the O.C. I was so surprised and excited when I got the notification. No one reacts to the O.C, so its just a breathe of fresh air. Personally I think it's really cool that you do the Pilot Shows. For the audience, it's like having your cake and eating it too. We can see your reactions to certain shows and even if you don't end up watching the season, we get to enjoy what we do get. That's just my opinion. But again, it would be really cool if you continued.


For my 2cents I really enjoy that you do a lot of shows as there is more variety to watch. As shows usually go up one or two eps I week I find that on your channel I have lots to watch all week rather than the one episode of one show I might watch like I have on other channels. :) You are currently resting to 4 of 5 of my all time Top 5 favourite shows and the O.C. would just be a bonus on top of that for me. :)

DJ Doena

Are you sure he wasn't in juvi? This season (2003) is one year before the first season of Veronica Mars (2004), so Weevil being there could mean he's supposed to be Ryan's age, just like he is a high schooler in Vroni's school.


When Seth tells his Mum he want to visit Ryan he says “I’m going to visit Ryan in juvi”. It’s meant to be juvi..... I just don’t think they picked the best extras to play the parts of younger offenders..


Thanks for Ep. 3 ….glad you're enjoying this show!


I'm loving the OC reactions most! Reliving my teenage/childhood years but I also just love this show. And yes they do pack a lot in, when I've rewatched it in the past thing I thought happened 3 seasons in actually happen in the 1st season haha