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Sarah Trow

They said she didn't turn that night because she didn't fall asleep...


I think this is a really good episode. Yes, it would have meant more if we had known her for longer but the short time we did know her, we grew to care enough for her as she was completely helpless and innocent in all of this but I feel the emotional element of this episode has just as much to do with Sam as it is with her and that tear in Dean's eye at the end breaks my heart because he realises that he might have to do the same with Sam one day. Enjoyed this one a lot.

Nancy Nicolai

The reason we cared so much in this episode was not bc of Madison (I mean she's a really great character that could have gone far had she lived) but this was about the brothers and if you've been paying attention Sam is the one who is a relationship guy and Madison is the first woman since Jessica ( with the exception of Sarah in Provenance 1 x 19 but he knew he wasn't going to stay in town so he didn't want to go there) that he's really let himself care about bc Sam can fall quick where as Dean is well....more love um and leave um but for the same reason they're never in one place for very long so why bother so while it's not her we get emotional about it is the emotions that the boys show here like Jared's😭 waterworks are amazing but it's Jensen's "single man tear"😢 that should be patented bc no one does it better than him!!💙💙💙

Amy Rustand

One of the brothers ventured a guess as to why Madison didn't turn, "Maybe she has to be asleep" - BUT that reasoning is negated by the fact that she was awake when she turned whilst Sam had her tied to the chair. This was the ep that got me hooked. It was Dean's tear - seeing him cry because (to my mind) it hurt him so much to see his brother in pain. That scene really highlighted to me how important the brothers' relationship is on this show. That it wasn't going to be all about monster mysteries.


Yes, this. We learn so much about Sam in this ep, and what Dean is feeling at the end is also all about him feeling Sam's pain. I get ALL the feels from this episode.

Nicole Garver

The premiere of the OPT (one perfect tear)! Jensen is the best at pulling the feels out of fandom. || I think that Sams tears were about more than just his grief over having to kill Madison, I believe he felt a kinship with her and somehow connected being able to save her with his own chances of getting saved. || Another fun reaction video Steven (or is it Stephen?), thanks. XXOO

Daniel R

I think it's better that Supernatural does the whole "less than more" thing when it comes to monsters like "invisible hellhounds" or "human looking monsters". It just makes more sense for monsters to evolve and assimilate into the human lifestyle for easier hunts. Otherwise what's to stop them from being hunted to extinction?

Toasted Toad

I agree with your assessment of this episode. I think it has its moments, but isn't particularly strong for the reasons you give - basically, there hasn't been a long enough build up with Madison for her death to carry much emotional weight for the viewer. I think the thing that packs the more powerful emotional punch is Dean's tear. He has appeared to be unaffected by the whole situation, but then as soon as his brother is out of sight, he drops the act and you see his pain. But he is grieving for Sam's pain, and we've had a lot of time to build up the relationship between the brothers. Not in fact the first appearance of Jensen's OPT - it was actually in episode 2. However, that was less visible behind the flames of the funeral pyre.


I agree. A lot of the monsters start out as humans too, so it makes sense in that regard as well. I like it.

Valencia Lanier

I always thought that Sam was crying just a little for Madison but more for himself because he really feels he is in the same situation. Dean is definitely crying for Sam cause he knows how his brother is and he’s worried about him.

Rue Surnameunimportant

I didn't really care for this reaction but that's okay. You do some other reactions really well.

Jason Usher

Sam wasn't fully crying for her, yes he formed a bond with her and really liked her but he was more Crying because of how he relates to her becoming a monster with no hope of change, he feels that heavily relates to him and his "destiny" to become a warrior for the yellow eyed demon, not being able to help her takes some hope away from him, plus she was the first real woman he has cared for since Jessica, and then Dean was crying because of seeing his brother in emotional pain and nit being able to help him

Jason Usher

also she didn't change the one night because she didn't go to sleep, and tying/chaining her up every lunar cycle wouldn't work because they can't be with her every month since they are busy hunting throughout the whole country

Nyssa Rawther 🍉

I felt so badly for Sam in this one. Madison was the first girl other than Sarah that he's had a real connection with since Jess. It must really hurt him to have to kill her, and just kind of further drown him in that depressing thought that everyone he cares about, everyone around him, dies. Dean's desperate sadness for his brother was so profound here. I love how much Dean loves his little brother, wanting to protect him from pain. The Single Man Tear...man, that was perfect. Fun fact if you didn't already know, Jared thought about having to put down his dog in real life to get to that level of emotion and seeing Jared living that pain over actually moved Jensen so much that the Single Man Tear happened. It wasn't actually written into the script. The bond these two have is just humbling, both on and off screen.