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I like Jiminy Cricket but more as a side character so this episode didn't really work for me. As always I enjoy Regina and Mr Gold but I agree with you on Henry. I don't know what it is with child actors, it's very hard for me to take to them but he does eventually become less irratating. I was surprised to find that this episode was written by Jane Espenson. Her name won't mean anything to you right now but she's a big fan favourite amongst Buffy fans and her writing will shortly be introduced in S3 although don't take this episode into account. She can do a lot better than this.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Thank you for another great reaction!!! I really love this episode a lot and it's another one of my favorite episodes from season one. For one, I really love that we get a backstory for Jiminy Cricket, which we've never gotten before in any fairytale version of Pinocchio. Also, I really love Archie's character a lot. He's one of my favorite of the non main characters. Now... yes, the time jump in the Enchanted Forest storyline from Jiminy being a young boy to a man who appears to the same age as Archie is in Storybrooke... the budget most likely didn't allow for them to use technology to age him down much, but for the budget this show that was given, especially back in season one, I feel like they did a good enough job to make him appear to be a young man within his twenties. Even if you have to suspend your disbelief a little. As for why Jiminy didn't feel like he could leave... his parents were extremely manipulative and most likely verbally abusive... so much so that Jiminy hated the man he was and the life he was trapped in. He saw himself as they were, when in truth Jiminy was a good man who wanted to be free to be more than he was. I really love this about him and the parallel into the Storybrooke world reveals that Jiminy was a man who took a long time to finally realize who he wanted to be like Henry tells Archie. As for your question about why Jiminy went to Rumplestiltskin to deliver to him some of the trinkets he and his parents stole... it isn't really explained, but Rumple is a character who has his hands in everything and dealings with everyone in some form or another. Chances are, Jiminy's parents have some sort of deal with him where they have to give him a certain kind of percentage of all they steal. Plus... in Storybrooke, Gold has all kinds of trinkets inside his pawnshop that all came over in the curse from the Enchanted Forest, though because they are the Land Without Magic, none of these items have maintained their magical properties. Next... I really do love how Jiminy wished to become a cricket so he could escape from his parents. I love that we get to see more of the Blue Fairy again, as she comes down from the sky to grant his wish. Not only does him being a cricket allow for him to escape from his life, but it allows for him to continue to help the young boy, who we learned is Geppetto, whose parents suffered from his parents' cruelty and the potion given to him from Rumplestiltskin, which he hoped to use to escape. Sadly, this potion back fired and turned Geppetto's parents into wooden puppets. Scary wooden puppets too, that we see in the very end within Gold's shop. The reason why Rumple wanted to take them is never explained, but he has his reasons for everything. I also love that Jiminy wants to help the boy, like Jiminy Cricket is known for being Pinocchio's conscience in the Disney movie and fairytale of Pinocchio. And I love that Jiminy and Archie has come to be Geppetto's and Marco's closest friend. As for Henry... a lot of people feel that his character is weak in the beginning of this show, but the actor who plays him... Jared Gilmore does eventually grow into the character and he improves as the show goes on. Now... I love the storyline for Archie in this episode. I really felt badly for him when Regina threatens him if he doesn't crush Henry's "delusion". But I love, love, love how he stands up to her in the end and tells her that he's going to continue to help him the way his conscience sees fit. Definitely one of my favorite moments in this episode. I also love the storyline between Archie and Henry, as Henry helps him to remember who Archie feels he wants to be while they're trapped inside the collapsed mine, after Archie shatters his spirit in a low blow after Regina's threat, and it breaks Archie to do so. It also gives Henry more of a resolve to find proof in what he's been trying to tell everyone. Yes... at time Henry seems a little bratty, but he's determined to prove that the curse is real and aside from Emma and Mary Margaret at this point, he feels that he can help Archie too. They are close friends and Archie knows Henry better than everyone, including Regina despite her being his adopted mother. And then... the mine is continuing to collapse and Archie and Henry enter inside of an old elevator shaft to try to get out, but in another collapse, the elevator falls and the ground beneath them gives way a little more, trapping them halfway up within the shaft, as the elevator's about to collapse. As for Pongo... yes, his owner in the Disney movies is Roger. However, Roger and his wife in the film aren't characters ever brought into the show for whatever reason, and so they needed a character for Pongo to belong to. They wanted to bring 101 Dalmatians into Once Upon a Time and Pongo is important in Archie's life. For the creators and writers, Archie seemed like the right choice and he really is. I like how Pongo helps everyone working to save Henry and Archie from the mine by locating where they are. And I love how everyone comes together from the town to save them. At last... Emma volunteers to be lowered into the shaft to help them out and the elevator is about to fall. I love that Archie uses his umbrella... said back in the episode, The Thing You Love Most, to be Archie's lucky charm. This is proven to be true when his umbrella is what saves his life, as it allows him to grab onto one of the rings hanging on Emma's belt. And then... the crickets begin chirping in Storybrooke because Archie finds the will to stand up to Regina. I like how him finding it in him again to be who he really wants to be, and Emma choosing to stay on as Deputy and making roots for herself makes more changes, and continues to weaken the curse. Overall... I love this episode very much for the uniqueness of Jiminy Cricket's origin story despite what flaws within it there might be. I can't wait for more. Thank you so much again!!! Until next time...

Paul Fisher

Why did Jiminy take the stolen items to Rumplestiltskin? Because Rumple was essentially a "fence." He gave Jiminy gold in exchange for the stolen goods *and the names of their owners*. Rumple collects names because names have power in mythology.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

A fence! That's the word I was looking for. Thank you so much!! You're exactly right. About Rumplestiltskin's reasons for collecting names too. :)

Linda McDonough Garcia

I loved this episode which is why I wish you would’ve liked it more than you did. I enjoyed the backstory & liked that we saw how he became Jiminy. But, I did like the Storybrooke scenes more. I loved how towards the end Dr. Hopper finally stood up to Regina & said bring your worst cause I will always do my best. And to answer your question of how he works for her. I didn’t take it as in the literal sense but it’s due to the fact that she cast the curse that brought them all to storybrooke. She gave them their identities. She also makes a comment to him later in season 2 that will clear that up a bit more. I’m also disappointed that you aren’t liking Henry that much. I respect your opinion & can see where your coming from. But, I love Henry & have since the pilot. I’m not sure if it’s the actor & his acting/portrayal of Henry you don’t like or you just don’t like the character. You’ve also made comments that you don’t see that he doesn’t bring much to the series, kind of like what’s the point of his character. But, is the child of the savior & he brought her to Storybrooke. He truly believes that these stories are real & is desperately trying to get Emma to believe. He’s actually a huge part of the show. The actor Jared Gilmore actually does a great job & that will become more evident later on. I believe & I hope as the season & series progresses you’ll come to like Henry & see that he’s a great character. I also think as the actor gets older his acting improves. Overall it’s one of my favorite episodes from season 1. I look forward to seeing more of your reactions.

Daniel R

I was agreeing you with a bit until the end, yeah it is a bit strange that Jiminy wants to be a cricket but it doesn't come out of nowhere. During the beginning of the episode he makes a comment where he wishes he could be "as free as a cricket" so when it comes full circle at the end it clicks for me. It makes sense story wise. There's a set up and a pay off and that's really all I can ask for in a show like this where you're supposed to just watch with "Disney Goggles". The kid still sucks and is just used a mouthpiece for the writers to keep the plot moving because for some reason the adults can't get their shit together. I enjoyed the episode and even felt a bit uplifted for Jiminy and his story when he "wished upon a star" at the end. Overall it is kind of a mixed bag for me but it redeemed itself towards the end.

Kacey Mcnatt

I know you are in Season 3 but I just got to Point out The Actor that played Jimmney's Dad played Mayor Wilkins in Buffy Season 3.