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DJ Doena

I didn't know it at the time, but Kristen Bell can seriously sing. She voices Anna from the Disney movie Frozen (you can see a live performance by her here: https://www.wimp.com/kristen-bell-sings-do-you-want-to-build-a-snowman-live/ ) So in retrospect, I would guess that the "One Way or Another" performance at the Karaoke bar was the use of the TV trope "The Cast Showoff" ( https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheCastShowOff ). But that's just my guess


The karaoke scene was a hazing. Duncan, as a pledge, had to sing karaoke and was required to only speak in sentences that contained every letter of the alphabet (e.g., “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.”). Veronica was told, via the note Duncan handed her, that if she sang a song, “The Great Triton” would speak to her. They were cheering her on, because they assumed she’d embarrass herself.

Marshall Dante Robertson

I'm confused about your confusion over the karoke performance. Remember right before they called her name, Duncan gave her a paper basically saying in order for us to help you, we have to hear your voice. She sang the song hoping to receive information she was promised from the Trition leader. That's also why as soon as she was done, she was told to go to the bathroom to meet him, only it was an imposter and she got set up. So unless you missed the note that Duncan slipped her, it seemed pretty obvious why she sang.


I did not catch that, it felt off. I guess it makes sense why she had a confused look on her face when she looked at paper


They put her in the trunk because they knew she was trying to follow them and they wanted to impede her from crashing their ceremony.

Alexis Cardarella

The whole triton thing was way too elaborate to believe high school students created it.. so I think that’s the most off part of the episode.. and as awesome as Veronica is, the whole karaoke event was corny.


It's true that some times VM has some scenes that are weaker than the rest of the episode, and i believe that's due to the need to prolong the season and episodes into 20-22 episodes (that happens to most shows of a similar format). However the strength of the good moments lift the overall stories that this show tells. Keep going.


They REALLY didn't have to show the entire song... like, 30 seconds would've been fine, but the whole song, filmed like a M/V, nahhhhhh.