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Awesome reaction, really like watching. Doakes ripped open to bags. Dex would have tie them up, so he knew something was wrong when they were open.

Janet Daurity

I don't blame you for giving it a 9 cause you don't know how good the next episodes are! I can't wait! Love it so much! Thank you

Janet Daurity

The tension! Ack! What next? Love it!


he didnt stop for the maggots, someone had opened the bag. <3

Janet Daurity

Earlier in the season Doakes questioned Dexter about having a degree in advanced Jiu Jitsu (sp?) so he is a better fighter than you might imagine. Michael C Hall said in an interview that his cousin saw that and said "I know its fiction cause that guy would whip your ass in real life" LOL

Ari is my Cat

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu specifically. It focuses on grappling with particular emphasis on ground fighting. It's big on joint locks, compression locks and choke holds.

Jason Usher

Great reaction