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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Thank you so much! I really enjoyed your reaction for this episode very much. Reese and Finch are both such intricate and unique characters whom I really love, as I love the actors who play them too. Especially Jim Caviezel who plays Reese. I love how mysterious they both are and how much of a badass as you say... that Reese is. As for Reese's voice and the way he talks... Jim Caviezel talks this way in every role he plays. It's just how he speaks, though at different volumes at times. As for this episode's main storyline with the young woman... I like how brave she is and of course I understand why she doesn't trust so easily. It's so sad, but I'm so happy that she still had family she could return to once Reese and Finch saved her life and stopped the bad guys. Such a beautiful moment in the end when she and her aunt were reunited. I love how Carter is still looking for Reese, otherwise known as "the man in the suit". And yet Reese is always two steps ahead of her. Then he later calls Carter to get her to come out and find the girl, knowing that she would be safe with Carter. I also love how Reese uses Fusco to get information. I love the banter between them. And lastly... I also like the backstory with Finch and his friend who is the face of their business, and how his friend is the one who shows regret and sadness that Finch is able to suppress any emotion towards those who are deemed irrelevant by the machine. The mystery behind Finch's storyline is most definitely intriguing. My favorite scene was in the very beginning when Reese saves the cheater in the elevator. I also really love Reese's' scenes with Detective Fusco too. I can understand why you felt confused and a little frustrated by the plot holes. I felt the same way. You do sometimes have to be willing to suspend a little disbelief in this show like you would in any show. But as far as how Carter would have known to go up to the girl in the park... Carter caught wind of this case aside from simply finding the man in the suit was the uncle after the uncle wound up dead and she would have learned about the girl and possibly that she was still alive and being chased after during her search for answers.. Upon seeing the girl from her case in the distance, Carter knew why Reese had called her there to the park was so she could help her and she immediately went over to do so. Plus... the girl was wearing a suit jacket, which is a bit unusual unless something traumatic might have happened. Thank you so much again! I look forward to more. Until next time... By the way... please let me know if you're not enjoying this show at any time and I can absolutely change my request for you to watch it to something else if you prefer. I don't want you to feel like you're stuck watching a show you're not enjoying.

Vicky N

This show might seem like a procedural, case of the week, but it’s quite the opposite. I understand that the more serialized element are not very apparent at the beginning, but be patient. Have you noticed, the picture of the woman on the computer screen, while Finch and is partner have their difference of opinion about the irrelevants cases?


Watchdogs is a good comparison (and a game I enjoy too). At this early stage, probably the more intriguing part of the story is finding out more about Reese and Mr Finch. The pilot was very fast paced and I think this episode shows more about how the two will work together and compliment each other.

DJ Doena

I guess you just have to take a leap of faith with what the machine can do and how. It's like the Transporter on Star Trek, it just does its stuff and we're supposed to go along with it. As for the girl at the end. Reese dared the detective to meet the man in the suit there and he wasn't. And yet there was a girl sitting there in a suit jacket way too big for her. It seemed like worth checking out.

Dani C

it is all about the case of the week... at first. They're laying the ground work for what it will turn into - the overarching story will emerge