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I think you have to have watched quite a bit of American Idol to appreciate it. I loved their take on Paula, Simon and Ryan...especially Simon. A lot of the humor comes from watching that show quite a bit so to me it wasn’t boring at all. I laughed a lot.


You should look out for the pineapples. There’s actually one hidden in every episode!


If you think it was a bad episode, that is perfectly valid. I’m a little surprised to hear you say that though considering that you laughed most of the episode. I don’t think it was the best episode of Psych by any means, but in my option it’s not a bad episode either. I suppose we’ll have to agree to disagree on this one. :]


I chuckled at Shawn and Gus and the small bits with Jules after that the case was mostly boring to me. But glad you liked it.

Katherine Thoreson

The thing about Psych is that it's not really a procedural show. The cases are just a backdrop for our characters. It's not going to be the most technical, the most logical, or accurate show. You are correct that the finale of season 1 didn't really seem like a finale, and that this premiere didn't really feel like a season premiere. Psych is more of a fluid thing, and often won't have distinct beginnings or endings as we're used to. Like this episode, don't approach it as the season opener where one would expect something big to happen. This is just the next episode that came after the last one....no big deal. It's better to approach Psych from a character study angle. That's the one aspect that does grow and change in a more grand fashion. Our characters' stories and interactions are the arc in Psych. Don't get me wrong, there are more serious episodes sprinkled throughout......you will come up on conundrums and cliffhangers......there will be overarching elements in the show. But this show looks at it more through the lens of who are our characters and how will they react. I don't know if this will have you seeing the show any differently, but if not that's okay. I just feel like you have to shed some expectations of how we expect a tv show to behave. And I personally feel that's where Psych's charm lies. Also, Psych does several parody episodes like this too. They're all meant in good fun. Having said all of that, I don't personally believe this is one of the shows best episodes, but it is a fun time. The Carlton thing is weird though....maybe he's just lonely lol. I gave it a 7 on your scale.

Toasted Toad

I'm with you on this one. I thought it was a pretty poor episode. However, it did contain one of my very favourite moments which is when Shawn and Gus plaster themselves up against the wall to 'hide' from this guy in the wheelchair, as though they are not still in full view. It's been a while since I've watched it, but as I remember it, Psych doesn't have season arcs or epic season openers and finales. It's very episodic, and I always enjoyed it on that basis. Made it easy to dip into and out of when I wanted some easy watching. Like I said though, it's been a while so my memory might not be as good as others.

inga lola

I consider this episode one of the best (like my personal top 10 for sure), this is such a good parody, filled with awesome jokes and outstanding acting. The detective part is just a background to let all Shawn's and Gus'es shenanigans shine. This is what Psych is all about: it is witty, funny, smart and it is not taking anything too seriuosly.

Tammy L. Faulkner

Really was a crap episode but I LOVE Tim Curry.