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They did try for a spin-off pretty recently, it didn't get picked up. I wouldn't look it up though, spoiler territory. I believe the ring moment at the end was simply informing us and them that Ava had been there. I assumed that she had so was confused too, but since she wasn't there and we didn't talk to her again after she drove away, without the ring there would be the option of "oh maybe she just never came home."

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I liked this episode a lot. It was really good and I really liked that Gordon came back in and is now hellbent on hunting Sam to kill him. I also enjoyed seeing Ellen again too. As for what Sam found on the floor in the end... it was Ava's engagement ring and yes... the boys believed that the demon might have kidnapped Ava. As for the children with these powers... the Yellow Eyed Demon wants them for a coming war, but they are simply human with psychic powers. Those who kill and steal blood in order to speak into a chalice to Yellow Eyes like Meg and the guy from the Croatoan episode, are demons. They're different. There's a lot more to this story in regards to the psychic children. :) Thank you again for another fun reaction. I enjoyed your commentaries. Until next time...


I didn't love this episode. I thought a lot of it was pretty predictable like we knew Sam wasn't going to die and we were expecting something was going to happen with Ava. I like her character I thought she was really funny and this whole thing with Sam is getting more interesting so it wasn't bad but for me, there are far better episodes to come


I was just rating it based on what I have seen and I'm starting to get more comfortable with my Ratings. A 6 isn't bad, it just means it was an ok Episode and that's what this felt like.


I like the Gordon character just felt he was just ok here. I'm glad you liked the Episode so much.


That's crazy that a show that went on for 15 years never got spin-offs. I took it as either she was kidnapped or killed her fiance and took off the ring. I dont know who to trust since anyone can he a demon.

Brenda Lewis

I really like this one. I really like a lot of the stories for the rest of the season. I also like how you kind of dissect the episode after, going over what you like and what you don't care for. As a big fan of the show I tend to love what I find good and forget what I thought didn't work in a particular episode. Great reaction as always

Nancy Nicolai

They actually tried a couple of spinoffs but I don't want to name them or give any information bc of spoilers you know but I'm sure we'll let you know about them whenever its appropriate!😎✌