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I love this episode. I find it very fun and quirky. I am so happy you liked it. I was so sure you were going to hate it.

NaTasha Norris

I too was happily surprised at your enjoyment. 😁

Casey Mead

I genuinely love this episode though apparently most don't.


I'm shocked so many disliked this episode so much.


I have heard that some people stopped watching doctor who altogether here because they thought it was so bad


I unironically love this episode lol. not a view shared by much of the fandom that's for sure.


Yea I dont understand the dislike for the Episode, I guess that's Doctor Who for ya, Episode will be dependent on the person


What happens with this episode is that it makes fun of the Doctor Who fandom. It places a mirror up to who we are and how we obsess and take something that we love and "Lenny" it ("Of Mice and Men" and "Bugs Bunny" cartoon fame"). this was us as a fandom, we had something we loved and cherished it brought us a community of like minded people and we had fun. Then we decided to try and control the show, bend it to our personal will. The reason this episode is so hated is because it hits really close to home with a lot of us. side note, I like Elton and it was cool up until the sidewalk girlfriend.....that was just weird....how was that a life for her? The Alien was a made by a child who won a contest.


I give it a 7, the sidewalk girlfriend really throws me every time......how can anyone think that is a good idea?


I am so glad, that you took this for what it was as an episode and had fun with. Thank you for this, it gets so much hate and it's just weird how much hate it gets........


As you can tell, I finally figured out the tiers and am catching up......hahahhahaha


No one mentioned this yet so I thought I would, the girlfriend is played by the same actress as Moaning Myrtle from Harry Potter.