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Natalie Shepherd

I love this episode, seeing Dean open up & be emotional. As I mentioned last time, Jared broke his wrist in episode 3 but they had already started filming this episode when he found out through x-rays after continued pain so had to endure filming this episode without a cast on, hence them writing in that the zombie broke his hand at the end.


What you've seen here is what the writer's like to do. Have the monster of the week episode used to highlight something happening with one, or both, of the boys. This one, obviously, was about Dean. Dean actually was, technically, dead in the hospital. The machines were keeping is body alive, but he was dead. That's why the Reaper came to him. He have been a ghost if he didn't go with her. So - dead. It's something that would weigh on someone. Having someone give your life like this, so you can be brought back to life. This is the second time Dean would have been dead if it weren't for someone else dying to give him their life. The boys did know that a metal/silver? stake was needed to finally kill her. The info was in the episode about it, but easily missed. She wasn't a Zombie. She was something else. I think a Revenant? Jared actually did have a broken hand. You were already told that. You'll be seeing him in a cast for a while now. He even had to have surgery on it.


it seems like you are always making things more complicated with the lore than it needs to be. she a zombie. there are different kinds. she was brought back with black magic so she is unstable and she is just angry over what happened to her is is acting kinda like a vengeful spirit does. sometimes they change the popular lore. sometimes it's just that they take parts of urban legends or mythology from the real world and tweak it into their own version. here she is back but just kills she doesn't eat brains or flesh which is something that you see in other versions too like on buffy. the old versions of zombies in lore before the romero films were actually reanimated corpes brought back with voodoo or bodies possessed by demons. in this she could be killed by the stake because that is in some of the lore and they said that is where the vampire staking myth comes from. they said it earlier in the episode. I don't think it's fair to criticize the lore and story when sometimes you don't pay attention to the dialogue when they are explaining it. Sorry I don't mean to be negative but I've been watching your other reactions and just recently went back to these and you to be for some reason way more critical of stuff in this show that either gets explained or that you are wondering about or have expectations for and then a few minutes or episodes later they reveal what is happening. I mean they are not going to just have an exposition dump to explain everything about a character or plot point when it first pops up sometimes it takes to then end of the episode the midseason or the finale for things to be revealed and then you understand the full picture. Like the yellow eyed demons son last season you thinking why was he there and marking the episode down but then we find out in the finale that he was yellow eyes son so it totally made sense for him to be there for them to have somebody to fight because meg was out of the picture. Thats the problem I think I have with a number rating on a first watch is because someone can say ok that was a pretty good episode but I don't know everything that is going on yet because there is still mystery or more character developmet and later you look back and might say an episode that you thought was maybe a 7 might actually be an 8 or 9 when you have the full context that is all i'm saying.