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Ron Glass who plays Shepard Book passed away in 2016.

NaTasha Norris

The episode is a ten! It’s definitely not a series finale- which breaks my heart, but it’s a lot better then an eight in my opinion.

NaTasha Norris

Also I feel like maybe you missed that the bounty hunter locked the bunk rooms in the crews hallway after knocking out Mal. Later when River has Kaylee cut her herself loose her job is to unlock the bunks which allows Mal to get out.

NaTasha Norris

The entire episode is teaming with metaphors. You will see as Buffy continues that Whedon really likes to use them. I get chills when River says “And Early, Serenity is very unhappy.”

Vicky N

This episode is a 10 for the writing as well as the direction. Although I get that it’s easier to appreciate it on rewatch. The way River is seen going through Serenity, the way Joss Whedon films those scene as if the ship is another main cast member, anticipating what happens later. The dialogue is obviously fantastic, going from creepy to funny I the same scene, sometimes in the same line. Without even considering the clever metaphorical references which Joss is a master of. Too many good lines to count. We are all “objects in space”.

Vicky N

You were wondering how the bounty hunter knew Kaylee’s name. Remember before boarding the ship, he was spying on them with a listening device from above (while River was doing the same from below).


I love you guys who really get Firefly. Most episodes of Firefly are pretty easy to understand from first viewing, but this is pretty different. Does anybody know the order of which episodes were filmed? I mean in Buffy first season really is about establishing the characters and the world. I feel like Firefly does the same, though not so clearly. This episode feels like they are now playing with the established characters and world, and thus is more deep and harder to understand. Not perfect, like Out of Gas was, but SO great after you really get it. River is now fully part of the crew, and accepted as "freak" and acknowledging that she is awesome.

Katherine Thoreson

No, no official final episode or season finale. These last three episodes you watched never even aired on television. Also, the beginning of the episode was basically what it's like to be River. This is supposed to be what she sees, everything from her perspective. Like feeling overwhelming feelings like with Wash and Zoe, or hearing/seeing characters saying things to her, but it's more like her seeing into the people...what they're thinking or feeling. Like Simon saying, "I would be there right now", and he did say that later in the episode. Jayne saying, "I got stupid. The money was too good.", which is what he said in the episode Ariel. But we also have her picking up on unspoken thoughts like with Mal and Inara or with Shepherd Book. It all goes back to what Simon found out about what was done to her; stripping her amygdala so that she feels everything. Plus Mal's revelation that she's a psychic, that's basically how the Alliance made her one.


The first episode of the series Mal refers to "the passenger dorm" That dorm is on the lower level by the med bay and cargo bay. That's where Book, Simon, and River sleep. And where that Dobson was tied up. These are simple rooms with sliding doors that don't appear to lock. Mal, Jayne, Kaylee, and Zoe/Wash each have a quarters. Those are the rooms that are above near the engine room and they have their own built in bathrooms.

Chris Nowak

"That's a crazy ass bounty hunter..." You have no idea


Don't forget the movie Serenity. it's a must since you love this show.