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DJ Doena

If you have the time and access to it, try out the pilot to White Collar, just to see Bryce Larkin again. :-)

DJ Doena

I love this episode, how they turn Bryce's story around. This was also the episode where I suspected that we will learn more about why Chuck got the intersect. Up until this point I considered the pilot to be just that, an episode to get the wheels turning. From then on I wanted to know, why Chuck of all people.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Morgan, Harry Tang, Jeff, and Lester are weak characters and I don't like any of them. But I loved the storyline with Chuck and Bryce, and loved that Bryce hurt Chuck in order to save him from being recruited by the CIA and killed. Thank you!

Cindy Lou

Just FYI: those aren't metal detectors. They are 2 purpose: to require student ID when entering (it's why they swiped IDs), and in some cases tag censors that go off if a book/DVD/etc go past without being checked out. Certain books are tagged. They had them at my school.