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OMFG after season 1, Rose just annoys the absolute sh*t out of me


So for the Rose being "too happy" at the start of this I personally felt that she was putting on an act to try and cheer up the others and get them to think of solutions to their problems not just the problems themselves. Sort of a "I'm so happy because I have clearly faced worst and made it out alive before".


Woops didn't mean to end that comment there, as for the ending I will address firs how it was designed then why it might have been designed that way. First the poeple of that made it trapped the "Devil" and chained him up in there and made it so if he tried to escape physically (definitely something he could do) the vases would definitely break. Breaking the vases destroys the gravity field that keeps the planet orbiting the black hole AND the cone of gravity that allowed the human ship to get to the planet (and leave). The cone of gravity might have been there so the creators could leave (doubt it since they had the tech to make the planet orbit) but more likely because they could not hide the fact that the planet was orbiting the black hole and could not hide the power source that was allowing it to. As such they knew a future civilization would try to explore the planet, as such they did not want to be responsible for the deaths of those that might come to explore the planet even if there was no way off. However they also knew that if people came to explore there might be a chance that the "Devil" might try to escape just mentally not physically, hence why they made the gravity/air pocket that allowed the Doctor to survive the fall. They hoped that anyone that was able to make it that far would be able to make it that far would be able to figure out 1) if the "Devil" was escaping mentally and 2) how to stop him from escaping. (By breaking the vases and causing the gravity fields to collapse causing the planet any ships still within to fall into the black hole, since allowing the "Devil" to run amock in the universe again would be worse than a few deaths.


I love the Aliens homages in this one, especially the crawling through the air ducts and Mr. Jefferson sacrificing himself a la Vasquez and Gorman. Good stuff.

David Broome

The decision the Doctor made at the end was basically the metaphorical "leap of faith," required for one to believe in God and so dispel the Devil - only int his instance they decided to deliver this via his faith in Rose and humanity which of course paid off.

Wanda Did Nothing Wrong

“You always were an asshole Gorman” Vasquez was my gay awakening, 8 yr old me would only watch to the point she died, then rewind and start all over again from the cryosleep wake up