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"Who do you think is in there?" God, I love River.

Ari is my Cat

Fun fact, the bad guy in this is the yellow eyed demon in Supernatural.

Ari is my Cat

Yes she thought it was just Mal like Inara not that Inara liked him back.

Vicky N

We have 2 Melinda Clarke in a row (Nikita & Firefly). She plays those sultry assertive characters very well.

Paul Gibson

I think Inara leaving comes down to her job. Mal has made his feelings about what she does very clear. She can't have both so she chooses the career she has worked so hard for over Mal. The leaving is to make that decision easier for both of them.


Yea, I think shes acknowledged at this point that they have feelings for each other, and with her career and him being her captain she doesnt believe it can work between them.


Melinda Clarke aka the woman Mal sleeps with is also on the O.C show which you reacted to :)


This is my least favorite episode of Firefly (still good just not as much as the rest). I think the directing was bad. The gun fight felt really low budget, more than the show normally feels. And like you said introducing the people on the ship who were trapped never was paid off. That also feels like a well they keep returning too. People land-locking the ship or boarding it. Can't you lock the doors on a Firefly?

DJ Doena

If you're still looking for a replacement in the sci-fi genre, what about little jewel called Babylon 5?