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Ari is my Cat

The reason Ms. Calendar was killed off was because they wanted the stakes to feel real. After she died it made other characters not named Buffy being in danger feel like they really were in danger.

Ari is my Cat

The monster dragged the body away. Buffy was the only one who knew he was dead, to the hospital he just didn't show up for work the next day.


Flu: Dehydration could be part of it, and I'm sure that's what the IV was for, but there are strains of the flu that are seriously dangerous, and I guess that's what's going around in Sunnydale. The hospital looks like it's some kind of old teaching hospital from the '40s or something. Guess the Sunnydale property values don't give the tax base for great improvements! I think that squirting out of the syringe is to clear the air out of the needle so it doesn't go into the vein. I'm guessing there are better ways to do it, but that goes with the old-fashioned hospital where you half-expect people to start CPR with a cardial thump. It is interesting that Xander and Cordelia don't have a lot of affectionate behavior. I'm not sure what to make of it at this point, except that they're still not totally comfortable with openly dating. I think, with all the Angel getting away things, that they just decided not to bother explaining why they let him go all the time (since obviously, they're just saving the big fight for later, but still want him to show his face). Varying degrees of success wiht this strategy; I feel like the opening scene was one of the less successful examples.

Vicky N

This episode is not particularly good or bad. It suffers because of its placement after "Passion". It's a well realized monster of the week, the monster design is cool, one of the creepiest of the show.

DJ Doena

"Kindestod" is actually a proper German noun, although seldom used stand-alone but rather in combination "plötzlicher Kindestod" which translates to SIDS = Sudden Infant Death Syndrome


This feels like a really bad season 1 episode unfortunately.

Katherine Thoreson

The demon and basic story line for this episode was actually written, or at least thought of, with the intent of being a season 1 episode......so good call. :)


I remember being maybe 10 when I watched this episode for the first time. I had recently got the season 2 vhs boxset (I think season 4 was airing on tv at the time... but I'd missed it all, and was watching from the start on video lol). Anyways, so I'm home sick from school, with a really nasty flu... and I'm thinking - I know, I'll watch Buffy while I'm sick, that will be fun. First episode that comes on next... this one. haha! I was terrified of the demon, couldn't stop thinking about it. I was convinced that night it was going to come and suck out my soul with its eye-tentacle things ahah!!!


With the doctor and the needle thing... I see my drs and nurses do it all the time. Usually, they end up drawing a little more than they need. Every time they inject, it has to be an exact amount... So part of doing this is getting rid of excess, but part of it is about ensuring there isn't any air inside... if an air bubble gets into the bloodstream, it can have major problems - like death. With the Angelus scenes, its a shame its not as clear this episode... i figure the scoobies never tried to stake him because its safer for them to let him go so they dont get killed while buffy is unconscious?


I agree... i feel like if they had put this one, and one other episode way near the beginning with all the other s1 rejects, then it would have felt like a much higher quality episode, and we would be left with a lovely run of juicey eps through to the finale lol

Kacey Mcnatt

The Demon in this Episode so Reminded me of Freddy Krugger in a Hospital. Instead of seeing him in your dreams you see him when your sick or have the flu.

R J Walker (FumblesMcStupid)

I think Giles snapping so much at Cordelia is excellent writing. I can't imagine he's sleeping much and he's obviously depressed and that's when you can't filter your thoughts so well. Before he'd just glare at Cordelia while thinking those thoughts but now he can't help but blurt them out. And the scene where Joyce is talking to him, he looks so uncomfortable, he walks straight out of shot after she's offered help, presumably to compose himself in private somewhere (or that's what I've always presumed). I also love Anthony Stewart Head's performance in this. He's always brilliant (IMO) but this is so subtle. He looks diminished in the way he stands and sits, he speaks more quietly, slower and a bit deeper, there are small pauses before replying or randomly in the middle of sentences, he looks ever so slightly distracted. Jenny isn't mentioned much but I've always felt that in every scene he's got thoughts of her running in the background. He only gets back to normal Giles briefly when there's a problem to be solved and he can focus on that but even then at first he seems so despondent. I think Cordelia is processing by falling back in to old habits, like it's a defence mechanism. But then she actually tries, which is kinda cool.