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I've always assumed it made a psychic link with the kids and lured them in. :) What is it you want in your monster kills..? They're hunters working in the shadows of a very real-world setting... Plus, did you see the blood coming out of the end of that pipe? That was funny and gross. :) Even though it wasn't a first/last ep of a season, you missed another great music cue by skipping the intro/recap for this one. Sometimes they really use the intros to set the emotional tone, especially in the early seasons. The music for this one was "Time Has Come Today" by The Chambers Brothers.


I don't know about everyone else's opinion but I don't think you should stress about catching up. I think you should just pick the schedule back up from this point. You are an awesome reactor and you put out a lot of content. Sometimes shit happens.

Ari is my Cat

The actress played Meg Manning on Veronica Mars, had a recurring role on Burn Notice and a lot of appearances on different shows.

Brenda Lewis

Hunter's funeral. Burn the body


I think I can agree with you on all of your comments on this episode. From when I first saw it. Except for Ash. I liked that quirky character first time I saw him. He was different. And I like that at this point. Some new people - finally. I really didn't like the Monster part of this episode at all. I thought it was mostly a waste. And I agree with you about the death of the monster being anticlimatic. The episode was one done to basically provide something for what I thought was the more important stuff between the brothers and how they're dealing with John's death. Dean bashing the car I saw as him venting over his dad's death. The car was originally his dad's. Or, it was just the most convenient thing to vent on at that point. Cutting Sam's hair? How dare you?! lol I was happy to see an intro to new characters in Ellen and Jo. I liked Ellen, she seems pretty cool. I didn't know what to think over Dean not taking advantage of Jo's obvious willingness for a hookup. She does look young, but she's obviously old enough to work at a bar. But I guess Dean's just not feeling up to it right now. That's not a good sign.