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The Doctor doesn't know literally everything, he just knows a LOT because he's old and has been all over the place. But he likes to travel and have adventures and learn more, see new things that he doesn't know, etc. The universe is massive so nobody can know it all. Even if humanity existed for the entirety of the universe, we would still not be able to see everything, because some things, the light from them, are traveling too quickly away from us, and will be gone before we will ever know them. Whole galaxies, etc. So the same can be said in Doctor Who universe, that he can't know every species, every world, every thing that happens. It's why he travels in the first place, to see and experience everything he possibly can. He's insatiably curious.


I like this episode. Quietly menacing. Plus "The Beast and his armies will rise up from the Pit to make war against God... sorry I said, I hope you enjoy your meal" haha


Your opinion here is based on Einstein's physics, which is pretty much only the public truth anymore to keep public science out of free energy, antigravity, scalar waves, faster than light speeds, etc. that have been known for a long time. Modern physics has been owned by pentagon and studied in places like Area 51 over half a century (at least). Sincerely, former physicist.

David Broome

Great reaction. Not sure I would want you leading in a crisis though. "What's that? We have run out of vegetables? Shoot everyone in the head!"