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Definitely one of the best episodes! But of course, this is Buffy so it only gets better and better😄 Don’t worry “Roller Boy”.

Paul Gibson

This episode gets a 10 but buffy is like a Spinal Tap amplifier, it can reach 11. You have only just begun this journey. I agree with you this episode gets me emotionally anyway but no other character on TV can break my heart like willow, when she cries I cry no matter how many times I watch. Great reaction!


This is why I love this show! One episode has you laughing so much and the next your in floods of tears. Definitely a 10. It was sad enough that jenny died but to leave her in Giles bed for him to find her was so evil but that's what makes angelus a great villain. Loved this reaction!


Definitely a 10 episode. Amazing work. The part I didn't really understand was the problem with translation--either it's from Romanian, which is a living language spoken by about 25 million people (and a Romance langauge at that, so not hard to translate), or that was misspeaking and she meant Romani, which is rarer, but living, and would by appearances be the language she was raised with... why would she need a special program to do either? So... what is she actually translating from that would be a "lost" language, and if the magic is lost, how will the language help? I don't know. Petty, silly thing for my brain to snag on. But it always does on this one.

Ari is my Cat

There is an episode in season 5 that is arguably a little better. No doubt this is a top 2 episode.

Ari is my Cat

I would also say an episode near the end of season 6 comes pretty close.

Ari is my Cat

It's hard to watch something else after that. Takes a little time to unpack.


For me this is the first episode where I thought the show was something special. My first 10 for Buffy. There are consequences to the choices characters make. (Buffy didn't kill Angel when he turned bad, Jenny died... etc) I love this show. It is my all time favorite and it just keeps getting better and better. This episode is one of my top 15 for sure, but there are better episodes for me. The show fans call Buffy is just getting started. Episodes like this one are why we as a fandom are lining up to watch reactors experience the show for the first time.


It still hurts...even after all these years. And I've seen it dozens of times. It never gets easier :-(


This is one of the best episodes of the series, it kicks me in the guts and makes me cry every single time I watch it, and I've watched it a lot. The scene where Buffy and Willow react to the news and the part where Giles is crying with Buffy. Ugh my heart. I was feeling your feels, for sure!

Allan Cornett

I love that Giles keeps telling Buffy not to lose her head because of Angels mind games and he is the one that goes mental.


I always wondered that too. When he said it was lost I was like, Angel was only cursed a hundredish years ago... how was it lost? Lol

Allan Cornett

I give this episode a 12. There are so many feels. You get badass Giles. You get comedy. Buffy telling Giles she can’t do this alone without him....feels Jenny dying...feels. Buffy telling Jenny she doesn’t want Giles to be alone....feels. This episode is in most fans top ten of the series.

Allan Cornett

This episode was dialed up to 11.

Clara V.

Cover me guys, I'm going in... After watching, I think the question "what else could you want from an episode?" sums it up pretty well, because there is objectively no answer to it, there just isn't anything.

Annie R. James

I do have a nitpick, but just one and it's relatively small; when Jenny is running from Angel(us) she is quite literally, at one point, OUTSIDE! Instead of running away from the school, she runs back inside. That one is annoying, but took me a lot of re-watches to even notice, so it's minor, at best.


THIS EPISODE 21 years ago was BRUTAL. As a 17 year old kid who were completely in love with this show and most of all about its characters, I remember this episode like a lightning strike to my heart. Still every time I see this, I cannot hold the tears.


Innocence changed the game with the best possible way. Analytically its the best episode of Buffy. Also Joss Whedon says he thinks its the best or maybe the most important development of the show. But when you watch the show for the first time, making Angel completely irredeemable was really what changed the show. Now everything is possible and actions have everlasting consequences.


Steven, perhaps you missed something because while I think Buffy is too hard for Ms.Calendar, they were played and lied for over a year by her. We know she didn't know what would happen to Angel, but why would Buffy really believe that. It makes no sense anyway that she wouldn't know. Lying put Buffy and all her friends at danger. Also Buffy is teenager and very true to her character when you think about how she must feel, losing her first love and now facing the fact that she must kill him. Buffy is not perfect, one of the reason why this show is so great. She makes bad mistakes, but learns/grows from them.


For some reason I think people didn't really get how great Innocence was and how it really was when the show got special. Innocence is better episode than Passion. But Passion hits you in the feelings, Angels voiceover with GREAT dialogue and awesome music. It's what makes this episode so great. But objectively this is just when people understand what Innocence already did, but which people just couldn't believe until this episode. Though Innocence is dated cos of the Judge and rocket launcher plot. At the time Judge was OK and rocket launcher with teen show was daring and new. Innocence is one of the best written episodes of TV.


This episode is 3rd best at getting you to feel. But I tend to agree with Joss Whedon's list of episodes pretty much. He either had Passion in 10th place or not in top 10. I think this episode gave such trauma that people overestimate how good it is. I thought for a long time this was in top 3, but then I started watching and analyzing Buffy a lot more and the more I watched the more my list became like Whedon's.


Willow crying is brutal. So sad. I think there's even better episodes to come.

Cameron Rayburn

I like the show Angel BETTER than Buffy, but imagine if they had done Angel's show like this episode similar to Dexter where he's narrating it with his thoughts throughout the show with Game of Thrones level production values for demon costumes. Angel has the best story in my opinion.

Alexis Cardarella

Yes- this is one of the best episodes of the series.. and possibly the best episode yet, but ..not the best :). You’re in for it. ..Interesting tid bit: this was ‘written by’ only in name by Ty King (not a main writer- he wrote Some Assembly Required... Yep...). He did such a botched job on it, Joss rewrote basically the entirety of it..

Alexis Cardarella

Between the plot and the dialogue, this episode is so amazing and involved that I always forget how much happens in it- and consecutively: Angel killing, Giles finding Jenny, Buffy and Willow receiving that news, and then Buffy saving Giles.. Jenny successfully translating the text, and Angel finding and killing her could have been the high point of the episode.. Yet there’s so much that ensues after that... Just incredible writing...


this is one of the best episodes for this season, for sure. I still get so emotional and teary-eyed. You should have just let them tears fall, man... we're totally here for your tears lol! Every step this episode was just done so well... I die inside when Giles see's her body and the glasses smash... and then again when he and buffy are on the ground crying... god... So excited for the last few episodes coming up! eeep!

Katherine Thoreson

I mentioned this in your YouTube community post about this episode, but in my opinion, part of what makes this episode so emotional, besides the acting and dialogue, of course, is the main musical theme. It is written by Christophe Beck and it is called, "Remembering Jenny". If I just listen to that music, it brings up all the emotions of this episode for me, and I will start crying....just from listening to a piece of music. This whole episode is so powerful.


“Surprise” / “Innocence” changed the show for me, but “Passion” elevated it to another level. I’ve seen this episode so many times, yet I still cry throughout most of it. We’ve heard about how vicious Angelus was but experiencing his particular brand of evil is something else. Angelus is all about drawing out the emotional torture and the artistry of it. He even gives Jenny some hope by pratfalling over the janitor’s cart, but he’s already at the top of the stairs waiting for her. That murder shot is fantastic, and they say that when a vampire kills someone but doesn’t drink from them, it’s considered an insult. (Joss said the practical reason was so that the audience would know that Jenny was dead for sure.) Even without the drinking, which usually has a sexual connotation, the scene still has a sexual vibe with, “Sorry, Jenny, this is where you get off,” but it’s Angelus who looks like he’s getting off. The film noir lighting in this episode is especially beautiful — the Director of Photography directed it. I love the camera panning around to shoot through the now-empty aquarium when Willow pulls out her fish from the envelope. And remember David Boreanaz in the pilot? I cringed at his acting (“To kill them. Kill them all.”) but he’s improved so much, and he is utterly fantastic as Angelus, especially here where he gets to play different facets of him.


I am re-watching this reaction for the third time. I love your reaction to this episode! Thank you for sticking with Buffy.


This is the one I wanted for you, when you were so geeked out over "Angelus", this was the one that gave me goosebumps. David B. was straight fire this episode.

Richard Lucas

And watching it, ever scene feels very Joss Whedon. It would be interesting to see the original script.

Richard Lucas

Just as I was watching it, I thought Angel watching them through the window as Willow cries, was the end, and all the attack in the factory by Giles, Buffy telling Giles not to leave her, and all the rest was next episode. This episode is so lean, every second has a purpose.


Each season from 2-7 has one of the top 5 episodes of the series, and this is Season 2's contribution. 2x17, 3x16, 4x10, 5x16, 6x7. Hard to really rank them sometimes but regardless, this is clearly the peak of Season 2.


This a top ten episode for me for the series as a whole.


You should have a set schedule for when your videos will be released on youtube and unlocked here.... It's kind of frustrating that you don't... Just my opinion/suggestion/request


he's such a twisted bastard. It's amazing how at first we are all like enjoying Angel screwing with Buffy, but when he crosses the line it's so awful that we can't even pretend we are enjoying it. Joss's power to make us feel what the characters' feel has always made me love this episode.


also what do you mean Angel can't be redeemed? Angel's a separate entity from Angelus. He has zero control over what has happened. They are always portrayed as different people. It's why they go by different names and act completely different. It's like he's been possessed. They are not the same.