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Scrubs blends other elements into it so smoothly that I'm almost hesitant to classify it as a comedy.


Also, Carla got mad about his college joke, because she feels insecure about not going to college and just being a nurse. He made this worse with the whole "You be the nurse, and I'll be the doctor" comment. After that, his joke just felt left he was patronizing her.


This show has done such a great job at creating strong enough relationships over the first 10 episodes that they can already start to break them down and create drama, and we feel it. Usually it's hard to obtain that strong bond so early in a series... but even with the minimum screen time between the two, Carla and JD's relationship feels important to the characters, and already has nuances to make it more intriguing. Building this character development while still flooding us with jokes... it's my fav kind of storytelling. Strong turns from comedy to drama and back, but where we'll never forget the emotional drama parts just because a joke lightens up the vibe.