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Sarah Trow

Now it's time to watch the bloopers for the season lol


Everyone reacts just like you did with that crash at the end. lol Next season you'll get the Real music finally. It's okay to watch the preview on the first episode of each season. And it's okay to watch for the finale's too. The real music will make it seem better. Just some random comments: I'm a Dean fan, so you saying Dean doesn't usually think about the "smart" thing, triggers me to come to his defense! lol Dean is very smart. He seem reckless sometimes, but I think he's just that way regarding himself. So here we see that he doesn't want to be reckless when his dad and brothers' lives are at stake. Dean wanted to take the gun because it is the only thing to kill demons and give them at least something to use to protect themselves with. Dean wanted to save their father and make sure everyone got away alive. That's why he took the gun. It would be too risky to go with nothing but holy water. Especially with a powerful demon who can fling you across the room with a simple gesture. That's why I think Dean shot the demon hitting Sam. The demon had already tossed Dean aside and into the car, so Dean knew it would be hard to get close enough to the demon to even try anything like holy water. And even if he did, it wouldn't work long enough for them to get away, since both Sam and John were incapacitated a bit. And other demons were on their way. So dean didn't have time to play around with water. Plus, they are just learning all of this as they go. Dean just really was not willing to risk his brother's life - or his father's. So he did what he did. He'd rather use up all the bullets saving their lives then go on a revenge hunt for the demon. It says a lot about the Winchester's abilities that the demon's had more than one of them watching John. Saying the exorcism takes time. In situations like this they just don't have the time to do much by try to survive long enough to get away. The exorcism sends a demon back to hell. If the demon leaves on it's own accord, it doesn't go back to hell and can then reposess another person.


Glad you liked it! I haven't rewatched the series in a long time and so the truck thing scared the hell out of me. Top performances by all 3 of them this ep, especially Jensen. And I live for Supernatural's lore building, the devil's traps and consequences of demon possession are great additions. I also love that they don't let their characters have all of the information up front. Like Sam and Dean didn't know the holy water wouldn't work on a super strong demon, but I bet you John or Bobby would have known or at least guessed something like that, since they both have more experience with demons.


I've just discovered your reaction/reviews and I'm really enjoying rewatching SPN through the eyes of someone who's viewing it with fresh eyes. I've been there since day one.


I suck at commenting, as you can see with the multiple comments here, but I'm going to soldier on. I'll try not to spoil anything with my comments though. Jeffrey Dean Morgan (JDM) was cast as their father in the pilot as a one off appearance because he had a recurring role on Grey's Anatomy at that time and because he was only 12 years older than Jensen Ackles. Kripke and co. planned to recast the role with an older actor for later episodes if the show was picked up because they didn't think they would be able to get JDM back. Grey's Anatomy, and ABC graciously agreed to share JDM with SPN, so he was aged in the makeup chair and we got to have him with us a little while longer. It was around this time that JDM got the role of The Comic in Watchmen that helped rocket him into the star he is today. With his performance as the yellow eyed demon (YED) though, the #spnfamily knew Papa Winchester was gonna make it big. Sam was 6 months old and Dean was 4 yrs old when Mary burned on Sam's nursery ceiling, and that happened 22 years befire the pilot episode. Dean came to get Sam from Stanford on Halloween night, so the end of their weekend hunt and Jess burning on the ceiling happened right around the 22nd ¿anniversary? of their mom's death. I loved Missouri Mosely and her dynamic with the boys, and yes 14 seasons later they are still called "the boys",


Kripke planned on the boys going to Missouri for help in the finale, but Loretta Divine wasn't available so Bobby Singer was born.