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Brenda Lewis

Great reaction, to a great episode and i really understand and like your scoring system for episodes too!

Brenda Lewis

By the way the lore is dead man's blood. So living beings blood is ok, but the blood of a dead man is poison to a vampire.

Ari is my Cat

It was the same in "Interview with a Vampire". They had to feed off living people since the blood of already dead people was poison to them.

Ari is my Cat

Season 4 of Agents of Shield was split into 3 related story arcs.


I like how we're kept in the dark about the demon that killed the mom just like Sam and Dean are. Makes John mysterious and a little frustrating because he's not telling US what's going on.


There isn't any way to kill a demon up to this point. They are only able to exorcise it - which just sends it back to Hell. Doesn't kill it. If it can, it will get out of hell again. They want to kill it. The gun is the only thing - according to lore - that can. The plan was to just steal the gun, because there are too many vampires for them to kill. They couldn't be quick enough to kill them all. John didn't really have a good plan. As good as a Hunter he is, he didn't think this fight out very well. He was so obsessed about getting the gun. So the boys were disobeying when they came after him. Good thing they did. Dead man's blood just means blood from a dead person.


You're going to continue to get grief from people - mostly on youtube - about your Reactions. It happens to everyone. Some people just don't get it. And spoilers. OMG, the spoilers that people leave on Youtube are ridiculous. And they won't even agree that they're spoilers. Some people who complain about the talking are just doing it because they are afraid you'll miss something being said that is very important to understanding an episode, or something with lore or character history, or . . . . There's not much winning either way. Never know when something important is going to drop and you can't just watch in silence. That's no fun. Try not to let them get to you. It's really just a small percentage of your overall viewers.

Ari is my Cat

Just found out the show was canceled. Oddly it seems the network didn't make the call but the lead actors did. So season 15 will be the final season.

Daniel R

I for one am glad that you're honest about your feelings of the show, in fact you bring up things that I never thought about the first time I watched the show. It's refreshing to hear that you're not in love with every episode like some annoying fangirls doing reactions who get moist over every little thing Sam and/or Dean do and rate everything as 'amazing' because Dean said this or Sam did that. Thanks for being an honest and critical reactor for the show, I've enjoyed rewatching the first season with you so far.