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Hey guys and gals, sorry for the lack of content the past two days. For some reason my content was flagged for Adult content here on Patreon. Have been trying to figure out why and who flagged me. Tomorrow you will get stuff again like normal.




Ari is my Cat

What tier is adult content?

Kaylee Laurie

Does that mean one of your patrons flagged you..?


Patreon wont say. They just said they are aware of adult content so I was flagged

Ari is my Cat

Is it because you stopped cursing?


So Patreon does allow Adult content to an extent. I think if its considered art of some kind. Which is why Cosplayer that are more revealing use Patreon. But you have to mark your profile as featuring Adult Content which I was not doing. Was not aware of that being something I had to do. So thats on me. So they put me into the 18+ category. So I should be good now, hopefully.


Also, I dont think it was a Patron that reported me. I had the first episode of some shows for free so people can see how the Full Reactions are and the first Dexter Episode was free and It had nudity in it I believe. So anyone could have reported it.

Kaylee Laurie

Ohhh that makes sense. I was wondering why someone would pay to report your videos lol


Yea that was my own fault. I didnt think about if someone under 18 would watch my Dexter Reaction which is Rated TV-MA


Or it could be all that sexy prep you do ahead of time… the hands and the eyebrow thing. Just sayin’