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Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Surprise" 2x14 Reaction

  • An Episode That Belongs At The Top Of The List = 10 17
  • This Episode Was Straight 🔥🔥🔥 = 9 62
  • That Was Pretty Damn Good = 8 36
  • Solid Episode, Had Really Good Moments = 7 11
  • That Was Alright, More Good Than Bad = 6 2
  • Middle Of The Road, Should Have Been Way Better = 5 0
  • Some Ok Moments, Mixed With Really Bad Moments= 4 0
  • What A Waste, What Was The Point Of That Episode? = 3 - 1 2
  • 2019-03-11
  • 130 votes
{'title': 'Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Surprise" 2x14 Reaction', 'choices': [{'text': 'An Episode That Belongs At The Top Of The List = 10', 'votes': 17}, {'text': 'This Episode Was Straight 🔥🔥🔥 = 9', 'votes': 62}, {'text': 'That Was Pretty Damn Good = 8', 'votes': 36}, {'text': 'Solid Episode, Had Really Good Moments = 7', 'votes': 11}, {'text': 'That Was Alright, More Good Than Bad = 6', 'votes': 2}, {'text': 'Middle Of The Road, Should Have Been Way Better = 5', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Some Ok Moments, Mixed With Really Bad Moments= 4', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'What A Waste, What Was The Point Of That Episode? = 3 - 1', 'votes': 2}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 3, 11, 18, 58, 50, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 130}





Paul Gibson

Shouldn't this be 2x13?


To me this episode will always be a 10.


Yes! Imo this is when season 2 really starts! I can’t wait for the next reaction!!

Ari is my Cat

Did you know that Buffy The Vampire Slayer premiered on March 10th 1997? I was just wondering if you would drop a Buffy episode on or around the show's anniversary.

Paul Gibson

It's not Dru, that Jenny is related too. She's from the clan who cursed Angel for murdering a gypsy girl

Ari is my Cat

I've seen Blossom. The actress who played Blossom is on The Big Bang Theory.

Ari is my Cat

They are in their junior year. Season 3 is their senior year.

Cheryl Coffin

You're mistaken that Drusilla is a gypsy and from the same village that cursed Angelus because he killed their favourite daughter. There isn't any connection between Dru and Jenny. A clue that Buffy's first dream is a portent and not just a nightmare because of the scene with Willow and the monkey. This is a call-back to Oz telling Willow that monkeys are the only animals that wear pants in the Animal Cracker box, and that all monkeys are French. Buffy wasn't part of that conversation so would have no way of knowing this without her "special slayer" dreams. A lot will be explained in the next episode and you may re-think the 9 rating ;-)

Ari is my Cat

Angel Season 1 aired the same week as Buffy season 4.

Vicky N

It’s very difficult to comment on the first half of a two parter. This episode is great on his own, it’s even better when you see the conclusion.

Vicky N

You are confusing the two stories that Angel told about his past to Buffy. The killing of the gypsy girl which was the reason he was cursed by the tribe and the siring of Drusilla after he killed her family, causing her insanity. So Drusilla has nothing to do with the gypsy clan.


Robia LaMorte, who plays Jenny Calendar, started out as a backup dancer for Prince. She was Pearl of "Diamond and Pearl" - his backup dancers.


such an awesome episode... cant wait for the second part (Innocence). So, Jenny Calendar is a descendant of the Gypsy clan that cursed Angelus with his soul back in the day... Drusilla has nothing at all to do with that clan, or gypsies, or Miss Calendar. Angelus sired Drusilla after driving her insane (which is why she is so wonderfully unstable lol). I love how much you love Spike and Dru haha! :D Also, Angel Season 1 spin-off begins with Buffy Season 4.


In "What's My Line" Oz was joking that within the animal cracker kingdom the monkey was the only one that wears pants. Then as the scene fades you can hear him say all monkey's are french, jokingly. In Buffy's dream Willow is speaking French to a monkey. I think that's a sign that she is seeing things she wouldn't otherwise know.


Despite the dumb smurf monster, this episode sets up one of my favorite plots in any show.


Yeah, they were addicted to the random "all-powerful" bad guys who were going to cause the end of the world if Buffy didn't make a big sacrifice. That said, Spike's reaction to the Judge is worth the price of admission.


Wow, I so didn't know that...off to watch that music video again, lol


I always rate 2 part episodes as one, so while this ep on its own is a solid 9, I gave it a 10 because of whats to come. I can't wait for the next reaction!

Katherine Thoreson

So back when Buffy originally aired on the WB, their episodes were on Monday nights. When the WB was starting to grow, they were building their "New Tuesday on the WB". Buffy was one of the shows they were moving to Tuesday. In order to hopefully bring viewers over to Tuesday (because that can be difficult within an already established show's time) the writers came up with this moment for the cliffhanger. Want to know what's up with Angel? Well, you gotta come back on Tuesday. :)


I remember being so relieved and excited that I didn't have to wait a week to see the next episode.


This was actually the first episode I saw. So when I turned on WB the next night, I was like "OMG this show is on every night!!!!"... Wednesday was a disappointment. lol But still, I was hooked after this 2 parter.


Up until the next episode Buffy for me was an ok show. Good for a laugh, but not must watch. The next episode made me think it might be more, and by the end of season two Buffy became must watch tv. Can't wait for your reactions to the next run of episodes leading to the finale (with one or two exceptions this run is amazing) For me this is a 7. It is solid, but standing alone, it isn't great.

Ari is my Cat

Next episode is widely considered to be one of the 10 best episodes of the series.


This show is so vibey... the music, the atmosphere. It's a vibe. I see you swayin… you feel it.


Idk if it’s just me, but both links bring me to the 12th episode of the season