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Ari is my Cat

All the nonsense River said was her saying Jayne screwed them. It was cryptic but think about the different things she said. She warned Jayne that his treasure was in the sand which could be interpreted as her telling him his reward money wasn't going to get to him or something to that effect. In the security office she told Jayne he was expecting Christmas presents but all there was was coal. It's there but it's supper cryptic.

Ari is my Cat

Mal knows Jayne but look at how humble Jayne was being about saving River and Simon. He even uncharacteristically says they are part of his crew.


I think it's like a paradox. Like Jayne might not have betrayed them if she hadn't cut them. But I think she knew somehow he betrayed her in the future and then cut him. Just a theory but she does have a way of knowing things.


And I think Mal is willing to help River and SImon so much because he is so against the Alliance. He fought against them in the war. So now he finds these two people who are victims of the worst part of the Alliance. So it confirms everything he dislikes about the Alliance and makes him more willing to help them. Deus Ex Machina is the term I think.


This is my theory too, and I like that they don't outright explain it. It could be River just being crazy but she might have felt maybe subconsciously threatened by Jayne because of what he was going to do.


I love Jayne's character. Lesser writers would have made him just do the right thing because it's the right thing and they want us to still like the character, but that's just not Jayne. He's a simple man with simple needs who is being thrown into morally complex situations for seemingly the first time. I think calling the feds was an impulsive move borne out of anger, but you can see regret all over his face from the jump. He did feel bad when he found out what they did to River, but it would be too hard to admit that to himself, much less change his mind and give up the money. The scene with Mal demonstrated that he is able to admit to himself that he cares about other people, even if he only admitted it when there was nothing left to lose. This gorram show, I swear.

Katherine Thoreson

In the very first episode, this exchange happened between Mal and Jayne: Mal : How come you didn't turn on me, Jayne? Jayne : Money wasn't good enough. Mal : What happens when it is? Jayne : Well... that'll be an interesting day. Mal : Imagine it will. In this episode, Jayne says he's sorry but the money was too good. Such a great call back.

NaTasha Norris

Simon says the dump they went to for parts contracted directly with the hospital. So specifically it’s going to have broken hospital equipment- like an ambulance. I imagine the one they found just needed a few small repairs and they probably just washed it and touched up the paint.