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I think your question of why Jim isn’t everyone’s favorite might have been rhetorical but here goes anyway: I prefer Pam, Dwight and Mike over Jim but he's my forth favorite [so far]. Jim though funny is often condescending toward most of the office, and his looks to the camera are amusing but also kind of overloading on the irony for me. That kind of ironic character mixed with his hesitation in fully pursuing Pam [good lord Dwight pursues his purple belt with more determination] makes him come off a bit emotionally weak/cowardly. Dwight is great because he is who he is, he isn’t ever apologetic about it [there is no irony in him], and thus when Jim asked him about paper prices in the bathroom he treats it totally seriously. Mike is Mike, enough said. Pam though she’s in on some of the pranks with Jim, seems to be more about the fun then the irony. Her character so far has been shy and a little timid [outside of the dundies], but she never seems to be very condescending and occasionally even expresses concern over Mike or others. It’s tough to write stuff on characters without spoilers, but I tried to stick to what’s happened so far only. Obviously I love all four and most of the other folks as well. I think you might have a type of humorous guy character that you enjoy a lot with both Xander in Buffy and Jim here exemplifying that. Neither are my favorites but Jim is Much Much better.

Sam Saad

I didn't like Dwight or Michael at first either but eventually (by like season 3) you will come to love those two.

Rhonda Stewart

Yes. Jim can come off as a bully. But I don't think what he does is mean spirited. I think it's mostly because he's so bored at that job. And Dwight is so strange