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Nyssa Rawther 🍉

I actually like this episode. It's literally my first time ever watching Dr Who and though I liked the 9th Doctor, I'm really enjoying 10th. Only seen him in the Xmas special and this episode so far but I really like his energy. The cats have really great prosthetics on. I liked it. I also like the whole concept of this episode and it's nice the new humans could be saved

Kristal Whalen

I have always loved this episode, I love the body switching troupe and I think the funny moments are played very well, but to each their own. Plus the end makes sense to me we learned that the cats medicine is curing diseases that are incurable so what does the doctor do combine all of them to cure people who were infected with all the diseases. The flesh were able to pass on the diseases with one touch so why couldn’t they pass along the cure the same way. The cats weren’t pulling the diseases from the sick and infected these people, the cats grew these people and gave the diseases to find cures for everything. Also since the cats grew the flesh for the purpose of being “lab rats” they weren’t really trying to kill anyone they just have never experienced human touch and they were trying to experience it but again they are contagious.


I enjoy this episode because i think it is just pure fun, its not great by any means, but it isnt boring, which means it is always entertaining

David Broome

Season 2 was probably the weakest season for me - until season 11 anyway. A couple of very good stand alone episodes and decent finale just about save it from obscurity. If I could I would fast forward to second half season 3, not excluding the few good episodes and enjoy from there.

John Smith

New Patreon here, you'll grow to like Tennant, give him time. Enjoying the reactions, keep it up.


I liked this episode for a lot of reasons but season 2 is hit or miss sometimes, even with David Tennant being an amazing Doctor. I agree with who said s2 might be the weakest. For me there's hits and misses. 2x3 was a highlight for me. I do disagree on s11 being one of the weaker ones, I think it was stronger than people gave credit though it suffered from mob mentality hate before it even aired, and has far more better episodes and stories than s2 had overall. If I look at Season 1 to Season 11 with modern DW, I think S2 is my least rewatched season and has been for awhile now. These are all just my opinions though, and is coming from someone who loves all the Doctors. Great moments though and I am enjoying the reactions, have been binging them tonight :)\


You asked why she hadn't transferred herself into someone before it's because there was no one to transfer into. She was the last full human at least close enough for her until Rose shows up and then she took her body.