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Buffy The Vampire Slayer "What's My Line (Part 2)" 2x10 Reaction

  • An Episode That Belongs At The Top Of The List = 10 6
  • This Episode Was Straight 🔥🔥🔥 = 9 41
  • That Was Pretty Damn Good = 8 40
  • Solid Episode, Had Really Good Moments = 7 11
  • That Was Alright, More Good Than Bad = 6 3
  • Middle Of The Road, Should Have Been Way Better = 5 1
  • Some Ok Moments, Mixed With Really Bad Moments= 4 0
  • What A Waste, What Was The Point Of That Episode? = 3 - 1 0
  • 2019-02-21
  • 102 votes
{'title': 'Buffy The Vampire Slayer "What\'s My Line (Part 2)" 2x10 Reaction', 'choices': [{'text': 'An Episode That Belongs At The Top Of The List = 10', 'votes': 6}, {'text': 'This Episode Was Straight 🔥🔥🔥 = 9', 'votes': 41}, {'text': 'That Was Pretty Damn Good = 8', 'votes': 40}, {'text': 'Solid Episode, Had Really Good Moments = 7', 'votes': 11}, {'text': 'That Was Alright, More Good Than Bad = 6', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'Middle Of The Road, Should Have Been Way Better = 5', 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'Some Ok Moments, Mixed With Really Bad Moments= 4', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'What A Waste, What Was The Point Of That Episode? = 3 - 1', 'votes': 0}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 2, 21, 3, 39, 21, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 102}





Alexis Cardarella

Kendra is Jamaican. But ..here’s a quote from Bianca Lawson aka Kendra: “I really hated that accent! I got the part, and I didn't originally have an accent. Then, literally the night before, they said, 'What about a Jamaican accent?' So it's one of those things where, y'know, I just had to put it on tape, but I didn't have a chance to get comfortable with it. And the thing is, certain things - if you say it properly [in Jamaican patois], people don't really fully understand it, so they would change things. They'd say, 'Well, say it like this' and it's like, 'Would that be accurate in that accent though?' 'It doesn't matter because no-one's going to understand you!' So different people were giving their interpretations of it. I was like 'But everyone's going to think that I'm doing it wrong!' So personally, I wasn't happy with the accent!”

Ari is my Cat

Kendra Young is supposed to be from Jamaica. The actress was born in 1979 and has played high school students most of her career.

Robin Gibbons

"Originally, only one Slayer would be called at a time, activated after the previous one had died. However, there were many Potentials all over the world, any one of which could be chosen. In most cases, these girls were identified by the Watchers Council and assigned a Watcher to guide and train them, so that they would be prepared if they were called to be the Slayer. As example of this, Kendra Young had been given to her Watcher when she was still an infant.[1] However, since the Watchers themselves had only a vague understanding of the forces that selected the Slayer, they were unable to identify every Potential in the world. There were many cases in which the girl was completely oblivious to her potential calling, and remained that way unless she was activated as the new Chosen One. Buffy Summers was one such Potential, only becoming aware of her status when her predecessor was killed and her first Watcher, Merrick Jamison-Smythe, found her."

Ari is my Cat

I think Angel was weak from the fight + had not had blood in a while once the sun was up.


To be fair, Jamaican accents do have a bit of Irish influence as Irish indentured servants were brought there to work the fields often side by side with enslaved Africans.

Katherine Thoreson

A lot of people don't get that scene with Spike leaving the church.....and I think it's because it's not shot well. Think about the layout. They're in a church which means one center aisle with pews on either side. There's the pulpit area up at the front and the organ is on the center of the back wall with doors on either side leading back out into the hallway. So, Spike has to go straight down the center aisle first then off to either side to leave the space. Buffy throws the incense burner and hits Spike right as he gets to the back of the aisle and he falls forward with quite a bit of force because of slayer strength being behind that throw. So, he falls into the organ and it collapses. Again, I think it wasn't shot very well because a lot of people question why was Spike just "walking into a wall".


As Buffy goes on the world building will get much better, closer to Firefly. But this early it's still not great. There is an explanation for why Kendra was trained before she became the slayer. But for a character who has no family or friends and isn't allowed to talk to boys she has better makeup, hair, and fashion than you'd expect. But I do love that Buffy's death had consequences in the show, something other shows get wrong so this episode starts hinting at deeper mythology.


I read a funny thing about Kendra's accent a few years back. Seemingly back when S2 was released, some who watched it thought the sound was wonky because whenever Kendra spoke, it sounded weird. They would get in touch with the VHS/DVD company only to be told it wasn't an audio issue. Also, speaking of the accent, I am actually Scottish and I have to say, I cannot hear it in there.


I always adored this 2 parter episode... one of my favs :)


About Kendra leaving at the end, you can imagine that even though Sunnydale has a hellmouth, there are evil forces to fight all over the world. It makes sense to spread the strength out a little.

Myriam Daoust

That scene with Angel being weak isn’t my favorite one the series either, but mostly because it is very inconsistent with the Buffyverse vampire lore in general. We are supposed to think that Angel is made very weak with the sunlight approaching him which could be fine, except that we see vampires being perfectly fine in indirect sunlight later in the series. About Kendra’s departure thought, I think it makes sense because she has to report to her watcher then go on fighting other evils on her side. While Buffy could always use a hand, she is doing a good job protecting the Hellmouth, so Kendra will be more useful somewhere where there isn’t already a slayer. By the way, I saw people explained about her, so I won’t, but let’s say it’s not a mistake and we will learn more about slayer lore and the Watcher council later on the series.


Sorry, I am late to the discussion, just joined this patreon In general, the typical vampire is quite a bit stronger than the average human but, like humans, the level of strength can very greatly.


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