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Omega Sirius

I don't think being pissed off that a friend let somebody kidnap your family is childish. Appa is probably is the closest member in the entire group to him, due to the fact being Appa is last thing he has left of the Air Nomads, other than Momo. To Aang, attacking or kidnapping Appa, is like no different than attacking his own people. It's also going on his mind that he was never going to see Appa ever again as well, can you imagine that? I mean he's already lost his entire people forever, now he's going to lose the only thing left he has of the Air Nomads? That has to be very frustrating for anybody in his shoes. And actually, in my view, if he didn't act like this, it probably might give an impression that he didn't care whatsoever, and that Appa had no meaning to Aang, and he was just his pet/transportation. Yeah, and that face on Katara says it all, they've been through so much in that desert, they came out escaping for their lives out of the library, and now they had to worry about the whole "how we going get out of the desert." thing.


I mean if I tell an adult that it was either let you die or the member gets kidnapped I would hope they they choose to not let the 3 people die. I would have prefered he acted with anger towards the kidnappers and not the person who stood outside out of her own free will. They wanted her to go down in the cave last episode so if she would have gone Appa would have been taken anyway.


I liked the episode a lot I guess I just reacted to the being mad thing towards Toph differently. Felt like a being young moment. Katara felt like the adult and I enjoyed my interpretation of the situation.

Dave Lemmens

It's not that Aang is a kid that he's behaving like that. Appa is the last friend he has from who he was. Aang lived a 100 years ago and everybody and everything he knew is dead or gone. The world is different, his entire race is gone, he even "let the Firenation take over". Without Appa, he might as well be dead himself. Sure he might look like he acts immaturely, but that's just on the surface. Without Appa, he is nothing.


I dont think I explained my thoughts well in this Episode. I like that he acted that way. It showed his age. Katara tried to explain to him that it wasnt Toph fault but he didnt listen which is something that happens more often in the young. I'm not criticizing the show for taking that approach. I liked the moment becuase it felt genuine and real. I'm simply saying if it was Katara that it happen to she would have reacted better understanding the situation and what Toph did to save them. She is more mature and I like that. Even at the end the holding Aang moment should how mature she is and what she means go to the group and Aang.


Sokka is my favorite character, he was the best part of the episode for me.


Hi I was wondering why I can't see some of the older uploads? It says I need to be a $5 tier yet why can I see this episode and not the older ones? It doesn't make much sense to me, shouldn't the $5 tier be for newer episodes so everyone can follow along and not miss out in-between episodes? I do believe the other series I've seen on this patreon page have been in order so I was curious and wondering why isn't this one?

Jen H.

I'm several months late to these reactions but I wanted to say the moment at the end when Aang goes into the avatar state - that's one of my favorite moments in the series. So I totally get what you meant when you said you got the feels in that moment! It actually makes me tear up. Anyway, really enjoying these reactions - on to the next one! :)