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Howdy Ladies and Gentlemen, so with the support you have all shown me I am looking to take the support and invest it into give you all a better product. So I was thinking about ways I could do that. Better lighting, more appealing background, better desk. All things I want to improve. But of course I was also thinking about Camera Improvement. Currently I use a logitech webcam. I upgraded to it several months ago but it is still a webcam. With all of your support I can look into getting an actual camera. So I wanted to ask you all before I looked into making that purchase if a better camera is something you want. It would not improve the quality of the show picture but would make me look better. Well as better as you could make me look lmao. I just want to see how you all feel.

Leave Suggestions For Other Things I Could Improve In Terms Of Things I Could Buy.


Ari is my Cat

The camera seems fine to me. The background is something others wish they had. If you are going to drop money on a camera do a ton of research. My company has had a number of different cameras over time and some needed software patches to work in Vegas Pro. Some just didn't look as good as expected. Another would default to 720p no matter how many times you switched it to 1080p. For what you are doing you're fine. If you want to go more mobile and do some actual film work then sure, drop $2,000 or so on a better camera. There are a lot of good cheaper cameras but if your making movies you need something better.

Ari is my Cat

Oh and don't get me started on camera's whos batteries die or the camera overheats and shuts down costing you several minutes of just missing footage. The life of a no budget filmmaker is not fun in post production.


Thanks, will look into it. Definitely want better lighting

Ari is my Cat

Sorry wrong set, this is the LED set I have. They come with different color bulb covers for each light. <a href="https://www.amazon.com/Photography-Umbrella-Lighting-Continuous-Portrait/dp/B0725B61GD/ref=sr_1_7?s=electronics&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;qid=1549168220&amp;sr=1-7&amp;keywords=emart+light+set+led" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.amazon.com/Photography-Umbrella-Lighting-Continuous-Portrait/dp/B0725B61GD/ref=sr_1_7?s=electronics&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;qid=1549168220&amp;sr=1-7&amp;keywords=emart+light+set+led</a>


Just an suggestion, but I know you've been complaining about how old your computer is and what not, so i was thinking maybe if you saved what you got this month and wait till next month then you could get a way better computer for your setup. Because theres nothing i can point out that i'd say 100% needs to be fixed/improved ASAP ya know. But its up to you, thats just how i feel about it.


Yea i terms of improvements I feel like thats the biggest and best one you could make ATM.


I've got no complaints about the video/webcam. Everything looks good to me. I'd use the money for a new PC since you've mentioned that before. As someone who built a new PC a year ago, the difference is night and day. It makes a huge difference. RAM prices finally seemed to have settled down a bit.


I have no complaints with the current video quality. I think you should get whatever you need to make your process easier.