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Howdy ladies and gentlemen, Sorry that I did not upload any videos today. I try to put up at least 1 or 2 videos A-day on patron but as you can see the weather is a pain right now and it was so cold that my actual Internet was not working for the past about 24 hours. Just got a back up. So Expect videos tomorrow. I may be under the weather in those videos. Just wanted you all to know.

Thanks For The Support,
Steven M.




I’m in Chicago. This polar vortex is crazy! -50 with the windchill today?!?! It’s crazy because they’re saying it could be almost 50 degrees on Sunday! Gotta love the Midwest! As for the videos, it’s all good! Stay warm!


Ps my internet is down right now. I have to use my phone data. ☹️


Ouch, yea have seen the horror stories of weather in Chicago right now. Yea here in NY its -24 and it's a horrible. Cant even imagine.


Yea the my internet was down all day most of yesterday and today. Just got it back so I can upload some videos. I recorded a 3 shows before internet left so I will upload those to Google Drive tonight so hopefully tomorrow.

Ari is my Cat

It's 37 here. But that's like 0 kelvin in florida terms... I remember cold from living in Queens but the worst I remember was boot camp in Illinois. -17 degrees and we were marching around the base wearing everything in our lockers. The worst thing about that was the guy from that area who was saying "This is nothing you should be here when it's really cold."

Ari is my Cat

My friend lives in Alaska where it's 32.

Omega Sirius

Yeah the weather sure is something?

benjamin freeman

i live in phoenix arizona and i spent my day in 75 degree sunshine with a t-shirt and shorts lol


Hi, if you ever look for more amazing shows to react to, i’d highly recommend Peaky Blinders!

Sarah Trow

I'm in Texas and it went from 75 to 24 in one day.....gotta love the weather....


No problem. Here in UK when we have had really bad storms or cold snaps, our internet goes wonky too!

NaTasha Norris

No need to apologize. That’s life.