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Ari is my Cat

Mauve is a light purple color.

Ari is my Cat

The balloon was something they had all over London during the German bombing campaign. So not uncommon for the time period.

Ari is my Cat

I think I rate this episode highly based on how it sets up the second part.

Vicky N

This is the episode that hooked me to this show. I think it was the first one written by Steven Moffat. Brilliant script, a perfect blend of horror, war drama, science fiction and romantic comedy. I personally find nothing wrong in the way captain Jack Harkness is introduced.


I really like this episode but I think it's hard to judge without having seen the conclusion


7/10 for me. I remember being thoroughly creeped out as a kid, lol. Sets up the next episode really well.

David Broome

Great episode. the rope was from a barrage balloon which were all over London during the blitz in WWII but yeah it was bit odd to have her float off.